Trying to download PPF mods from but every time I try to drag and drop them from my hard drive to action replay it doesn't let me. Also all downloads are either .WINZIP or .WINRAR archive file. Anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong. Would appreciate any help trying to do this I'm new to softmod but did get linux and splinter cell soft mod loaded on xbox. My email is if you have any suggestions. Thanks for any help
ppfs are not for xbox profiles they are for burnig to maps like on halo so you have to mod your xbox and ftp it to your pc soft modding is the easyist to do and its the cheapist but its also more dangerus so if you realy want to use the ppfs youll have to mod your box
Just extract the files from the .RAR archieve. Open up DotHalo and the map the ppf is for. Then click apply ppf patch. Find the path on your computer hard drive. Select it and apply. Fix the map's encryption. Resign the map and ftp it to your Xbox and your done.