DRE all the way omg, this suxxx!

Discussion in 'Nintendo Gamecube - General discussion' started by grmbl, May 26, 2005.

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  1. grmbl

    grmbl Regular member

    Jul 28, 2004
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    So i recently adjusted my pot to 186 and was able to play anything...Then they trow Killer7 on the net. Curious as I was, got myself a copy and tried playing it. It gave me a big fat DRE when i wanted to start a new game. So I looked for a solution. I used the marker trick (mark the top border of the mini-DVD); nothing...I cleaned my lens; nothing yet. So I opened my cube again (thought i would never do that again ever!). I adjusted the POD to 160-230 (values between)...Still nothing AND I'm unable to play any backups!?
    Only originals are good to go... =(

    Question: does the viper programmer have to be connected to the modchip or not? My flexwire was damaged so i removed the programmer. Now I removed the flexwire too...

    grtz & cheers to the GC community that's reliving!!!
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