Hi All, Please help before I pull all my hair out. I am trying to setup a DM500V as a server to serve to my weekend pad. My client box is setup fine as I can connect to a test line that my friend supplied. I have a DYNDNS account and updater is running fine tracking my IP. I invested in a new Linksys WAG120N modum router which appears to be quiet straight forward when opening ports. My Dreambox server IP settings are as follows, IP sub 255. 255. 255.0 Name server ???? gateway ???? Port 12000 I suspect that the items above marked ???? are causing my problems. I have tried different variations for these such as and .1.10 but no joy. The IP I am pretty sure are correct as the linksys will only allow me to use xx.xx.1.xx Have checked my c and f lines and config also. ALL APPEAR OK. For testing purposes can both the server and client boxes be run of the same LAN. Any help appreciated HS5424
name server and gateway are correct. ensure that you do not have dhcp enabled on your sever so that your servers ip always remains at next you need to port forward 12000 on your router to finally the client c line if you are internal in the lan is c: 12000 user pass and thats it. if your client is external to your lan then your cline is c: dyndnshostname 12000 user pass no. so yes there is a difference on how the cline is written dependent on whether the client is internal or external to the local network
Thanks for your reply fintinnl. I have all set as you suggest with no joy. Thats why I am going mad. I can connect to other servers but not my own. I am checking out dyndns although the status in updater says OK in green. I will try and set it up internally again. Talk later. HS5424