I've got a DS Lite that i'm wanting to start getting into homebrew, emulation and the use of flash cards for. I've done some searching around the forums, but haven't found anything too recent and with how fast modding tech changes, I figured i'd post a new one. For the immediate future, I am interested in a flash card that can play both nds and gba backups, though emulating snes and nes games will be done in the future if possible. Based on what i've found so far, it sounds like i'll need both a slot 1 and a slot 2 card to do both. Storage capacity is only semi-important, but if there is a large one, like say 2-4gb available that will fit into the ds lite flush (and not stick out), that would be preferable. Cost isn't really a big issue either, so whichever one gets the most recommendations is the one I will probably go with. Any suggestions are appreciated. Also, I haven't done any flash card related stuff since the old gba days so feel free to educate me if anything I mentioned above is wrong or impossible.
For GBA and NDS - look at the M3 perfect / Deluxe pack, you do not need an exploder program to make the GBA side work and Real Time Saves for both sorts of games $42 + an SD card (reportedly takes up to 32GB)
Surprised I didn't any other responses. Guess i'll go with your suggestion since there don't seem to be any naysayers. How about retailers? I used to buy my mod related stuff from the giant store, but looks like they don't really have much DS related. What retailers/resellers have you had good experience with?
Probably no other responses because this is asked and answered several times a week. The answers are in the forum posts.