DS, GBA, and Emulators

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by jdecock, Aug 21, 2007.

  1. jdecock

    jdecock Member

    Aug 21, 2007
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    I'm hoping someone can make some recommendations for me. I have a standard DS and I'd like to be able to play both DS and GBA roms on it. I'd also like to be able to throw an SNES emulator on it and play SNES roms. After looking around I've seen some recommendations given to other people, but I still have some questions.

    DS ROMs: It seems like the R4DS along with a 1GB Japanese Kingston MicroSD card is one of the better options for playing DS games. Would I need anything else to transfer the games to the card?

    GBA: If I were to go with the R4 I could use the EZ V 3in1 expansion pack to play GBA games but I'm not sure if that's all I would need or if there's some other hardware that's needed to transfer games to the pack. I'm also unclear as to whether or not you can load more than one game onto it and whether or not it works for all GBA games. Ideally I'd like to be able to throw a couple of games onto the pack at a time. Is there a better solution out there than this?

    SNES Emulator: I haven't seen any specific recommendations as to what would be needed to do this. Any suggestions? I know I've seen emulators made for the DS out there but they didn't talk about what hardware was required.
  2. mr_hanky

    mr_hanky Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Definetly a good choice for DS games. You transfer the games onto the MicroSD using a card reader, you get a card reader with the R4.

    You don't need any additional hardware, you store the GBA games on your R4 and copy them onto the EZFlash to play them, there are two methods to copy them over, either PSRAM or NOR. PSRAM is much faster at loading the game onto the card but is limited to game under 16MB and you have to load the game onto the card everytime. NOR is slower at loading the game onto the card, but can fit even the largest GBA games and once the game has been copied you can leave it on there as long as you like.
    you copy the games from the R4 to the EZFlash using a hombrew app, there are a few available. I use Rudolphs loader, but I think there is at least one other popular loader (can't remember the name though).

    Unfortunetly I don't use emulation on my DS (thats what my PSP is for) you'll have to wait for someone else to reply to that part.

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