I had the L2 fuse break off of my DS Lite after it was dropped... lost the fuse so I bridged it with solder and it works again. Is that ok, or will this cause problems in the long run?
I've been doing a lot of reading and one post said not to do this. Then again, another post said to go ahead and that it will just shorten the battery life. Can anyone confirm anything for me?
the fuse is there to protect the motherboard in-case of a fault, so as long as you understand if a fault occurs and no fuse the board could be exposed to a surge etc. and the board could end up "knackered", then again you might be ok, the ds lite will draw more power off the battery if using a rom cart "R4, DSTT ETC" so again this has the possibility of damage due to a heavier load on the circuits that the ds was not designed for may cause problems. I know where your coming from one site says ok, next says avoid at all costs.