OK, My DS Lite Is acting way up. It refuses to charge itself by a charger. I've tried numerous things. I've tried different chargers, I've tried different batteries, I've tried cleaning it out, I've tried taking the battery out holding it on, then putting it back in. NOTHING WORKS. Somewhere the charger and the battery is not connecting. I know that at least. So... I either need to take my DS apart and fix those connections, or buy a charger that will charge my battery 'directly'' to the wall, without need of a DS I think I rather go with the charger, before I start opening it In case I screw it up (plus I lack the tools) But cannot find a charger like that. Does anyone know a charger like that?
Fuse F1 has probably blown inside the DS, not the easiest repair but it can be done. As for a charger sorry can't help on that one