I have a DS that won't power up, battery looks good. Tried turning on the system but nothing pops on screen. The light doesn't even indicate unit is on. Any suggestions on what the problem is and know where I can get parts to replace them?
Could be: Bad power switch Bad Logic board You didn't say whether or not the charge light turns on when you put the charger in. I'm betting on bad power switch. Send it in or get a logic board.
Charge light comes on when plugged in. Where can I get a logic board/switch? Only parts I've found for DS are the screens. I think the DS is over a yr old, any guess what Nintendo would charge for the repair?
New logic boards are not available through normal channels. Used logic boards are sometimes available, but typically you need to purchase a broken unit with no guarantee that the logic board is good. If you have the time, tools and expertise I would suggest checking the fuses, then the switch for continuity. The easy way would just be to replace the logic board.