Just got a wireless router & got it set up to play the wii online no probs, but when I try to connect the DS lite, it won't connect. Is this because I'm using a DSTT card or is it something else. It was mario kart I tried, but did the same with others. I get up until it asks for a WEP key, I key in my password, then it just comes up saying " These settings are invalid. Confirm the information & try again" But it still won't connect. Any help please?
The DS lite only supports WEP Encryption so if your wi-fi is WPA or WPA2 then it will not connect. What i did is open my wireless network and disabled SSID Broadcast ( makes it so others cannot see your wireless network when scanning for wireless networks). Then if you want more security enable mac address filtering.
you need your router set to WEP 64-bit password use numbers for password it seems to dislike hexadecimal 0-9 and a-f try a nine digit password, if you set up MAC filtering and get the MAC address from the options button on the DS while setting up wireless that will also work. turn off all security and test if the DS will connect it should, if not you do have problems, you know if your router is set up ok, when searching for the SSID the padlock should be in the open position not closed DSTT plays on-line fine mine always has
Thanks folks. Just reset the password & put it onto WEP & now the Wii & DS both work online. One other thing though, the DS seems to not have a very far wifi connection. I have to be only a few feet away from the wifi or I lose connection. Is this normal?
its just the range of your wireless router or your ds. I think you can increase the the wireless range on ur router tho. Make sure you Disable SSID broadcast on ur router tho because wep is easily hackable.