My daughter has a NDSTT with a 2GB Kingston Micro SD. There are games loaded on it which she wants to keep on there. I purchased the card with games already on it. The problem is the place I purchased it is out of business so I can't go back there.When she tries to play a game selection it just keeps trying to "Load ROM". Tried rebooting and still nothing. How can I fix this???? Is there a way to save the current list of games, fix the problem, and reload the games back on???? Is there a link with step-by-step instructions for loading games as the card website makes no sense to me. Thank you in advance. Chubber 1.17a12 newest firmware google roms .nds get rid of crap Kingston sd card and get a good one scandisk if you in uk
Thank you Mickoz74. The info was very helpful. I got her card up and running and evrything is good. I assume what happened is that every time she stopped playing a game she would save it. Eventually she ran out of memory. Once I deleted all of her saved files and reinstalled the game roms evrything was good. Thanks again for your assistance. Chubber
don't need to delete save files, back them up to your pc, kingston will give you more problems.
That is exactly what I did. I removed the save files from the card and saved to my PC. Thank you. Chubber