Hey everyone, I got a NDSi as a gift and stupid me, I updated it! Now I'm running version 1.4u. The person who bought me the NDSi got me a DSTTi 1.4 ready (Star Wars Lethal Alliance). I've downloaded 1.17 off of the official site and popped the cartridge into my DSi. I select Star Wars Lethal Alliance and I get "Loading" for about a second followed by a blank screen (All white). Is there something else I should be doing? I've re-downloaded the firmware about 5 times...I'm starting to think I'm sol Thanks for any help edit: It's the white cartridge edit: I've grabbed the latest version (now that I found it) DSTT_v1.17a07....Still the same issue. I'm beginning to guess that this card is a clone or faulty. What a shitty night...If anyone has encountered this, please let me know what you did!
you updated to the 1.4 dstt killer firmware, research dsi 1.4 flash cart you'll have to buy a different make
If buying a new card make sure it will work with the DSi 1.4 fimware. So card manufacturers have a card specificly for this updated firmware.
hi, i updated my dsi to software v1.4 and now the ttdsi card will not work in the dsi, i have tried the ttdsi card in another dsi with software v1.2, and it works fine. the question is does anbody know how to downgrade the dsi back to version v1.2, and where can i get the software
Thanks for the reply I ended up ordering the Acekard 2i AK2i in hopes that this one will work after doing some research.