This is from a shop selling them "Unlike the Acekard 2i, the DSTTi boot loader is not updatable, and the team have issued a warning that even appears on the packaging that the DSTTi may be made obsolete by a potential DSi firwmare update by Nintendo." mine is fine not intending to do a firmware upgrade someonr on will probably bring out a flash for all the carts to keep them up to date
yes there will be a fix for this i have dstti and think its great got it from http://www.i' edited by ddp... free world wide delivery sweet as
If the manufacturer have issued a statement on the box - do you really think they would put a negative statement there if it wasn't true! But glad to see you know better than the people that made the card and issue the firmware
These cards go out for like 5 dollars. Great interface, compatibility...what else needed? Supports sdhc. R4 cards are expensive and are inferior.
Not being a useless piece of plastic when an update comes out in days/weeks/months. DSTTi for $10:98, not updateable. Acekard 2i %13:77, is updateable. For the sake of less than $3, a no brainer. (Standard DSTT is around $5, where can you get the i version for that?)
sounds like theres some baggage ppl have with this cart. Like I said before it does the job. None of the ppl I know who uses them need any updates--simple plug and play. 'i' version as in dsi? yeah the card you mention does support that, but majority of ppl have lites.
big fan of dstt/dstti they sell well, i can't shift other cards as well as them. only had clones of DX deal extreme used another supplier all is well now
But the thread is about the i version, not the standard.... No baggage, have and still use the DSTT on my Lite. But not much use on the DSi when the manufacturer states it will not (or may not) work with any firmware revisions due to not being upgradeable.
Hey atleast DSTT was honest and print the warning on there packaging for the world to see. Cant be anymore upfront then that.
Yeah maybe. Or stupid for producing a piece of equipment that will be redundant at some point in the (possibly near) future.
Nintendo will make them all redundant in the end and new cards will come out, regardless of the make you have. running 1.4 dstti on 1.17a12 and all works well just as other people with there brand of cards, someone always seems to produce firmware for each card as new games come out.
Do you mean redundant or obsolete? Use of the word redundant in this context makes absolutely no sense at all.
Do you mean redundant or obsolete? Use of the word redundant in this context makes absolutely no sense at all. Cutting and pasting something that you didn't read or (apparently) understand doesn't provide much value either. Words for the day: re·dun·dant (r-dndnt) adj. 1. Exceeding what is necessary or natural; superfluous. ob·so·lete (bs-lt, bs-lt) adj. 1. No longer in use: an obsolete word. 2. Outmoded in design, style, or construction: an obsolete locomotive.
lol was using the same context as posts above, but your right its obsolete. It didn't really matter as i don't nit pick on here find it really annoying, if you understand where the person is coming from that's all that matter's it's a tech site not a grammar and spelling site lol, although i never text type on here.
sold 80-90 of them 3 fakes that came from deal extreme but used the program to correct the fake killer and they being used now. and i have faith in the updates for the card and the firmware