DTS or Dolby Digital Video

Discussion in 'Other video questions' started by gw2k_101, Jan 28, 2002.

  1. gw2k_101

    gw2k_101 Guest

    I want creat a VCD, in like MPEG1. I want to extract the Dolby 5.1 or DTS tracks from the DVD. I want to make a VCD that will play in my own tv dvd player and have the Dolby 5.1 or the DTS 5.1 sound like the original DVD. Can someone help?
  2. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    Nope, no one can help you, sorry :) VCD _only_ accepts .mp2 mono or stereo audio and that's it.
  3. gw2k_101

    gw2k_101 Guest

    What types of files can play Dolby Digital or DTS streams. Can you make them into a file and burn them to a Cd/r and play them in a home DVD player? Can MPEG2 contain Dolby Digital streams? Another Question: VOB files found on Dvds are MPEG2 files. I make my own SVCD in MPEG2 form but will not play in my DVD player. Why?
  4. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    SVCD and DVD are pretty different in terms of file structure, etc.. Some players require tweaks before they play SVCDs -- I recommend you to check out http://www.vcdhelp.com/ -- they have a long DVD player compatibility list that should show you if your player is able to play SVCDs.

    SVCDs don't support DTS 5.1 either, but support multichannel MPEG-2 audio instead -- problem is that there are only very, VERY few audio decoders that are able to decode multichannel MPEG-2 audio files, which makes this option pretty useless (actually multichannel MPEG-2 was supposed to become an audio standard for European DVDs, but it kinda didn't happen :). So, if you insist having DVD backups with DTS, I suggest that you go to your local CompUSA and buya DVD-R writer, go to cd-recordable.com and buy 100 blank DVD-Rs and make 1:1 copies of your movies :)

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