I was trying to use the Fuji dual layers since I only wanted like 3 and thats all the store had besides a $40 or something. I know some media might be bad but thats never been an excuse for the burner not to recognize it? Heres the information for my burner with no firmware: http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/6356/memorexburnerqr0.jpg I did accidently burn one of the dual DVDs with Nero by burning files under the size of a normal DVD. I meant to try and burn another dual layer sized disc to test it. The burning never starts, but this one did, even though it was not recognized in the drive. I also saw a message on Nero about "burning layer 1" and "burning layer 2". The accidental single dvd holding dual layer dvd is recognized with a CDFS file system in properties. You can also explore the burned dual layer disc. If you try to explore the blank dual layers on MY COMPUTER, you get an error message: "Incorrect function" and under properties file system type is UNKNOWN. I contacted support and got bs'ed to death with some lame automated response. All he basically told me is what I already know, that the blank discs obviously arent being read and are causing burn errors before the process even starts. Heres what was said: SENT MESSAGE 1 RESPONSE MESSAGE 1 SENT MESSAGE 2 RESPONSE MESSAGE 2
[bold]=== Scsi-Device-Map === CdRomPeripheral : Generic DVD-ROM 1.0 d347prt Port 0 ID 0 DMA: Off CdRomPeripheral : Memorex 16X-DDL-ILO nvatabus Port 1 ID 0 DMA: Off CdRomPeripheral : TOSHIBA CDW/DVD SD-R1612 nvatabus Port 1 ID 1 DMA: Off DiskPeripheral : Maxtor 6L200M0 nvatabus Port 2 ID 0 DMA: Off CdRomPeripheral : PH1211O UTQ716W 2.0B vaxscsi Port 4 ID 0 DMA: Off[/bold] That's a major problem. Those DMA's should be on. Being as they are off,they are in pio mode. You'll have to go through device manager under Ide-ATA/Atapi controllers,uninstall the drivers from each device,and reboot- 1 controller at a time. Here's a guide: http://www.dvdplusvideo.com/dvdguide005.html I'm having trouble finding your burner.Memorex outsources their drives. The current YWS7 fw version doesn't ring a bell.Nothing under memorex,even close to that code, in my favorite fw site. Many peeps have trouble with Ritek DL media.Verbatim is the top dog among DL media,and during a best buy/office max sale-$2 a piece. I'm also not familiar with Nero7 doing DL backups. I use dvd decrypter in Mode ISO read and Mode ISO write.
Thx for the reply, but will that help my problem at all? From the looks of it, thats just a quicker method of burning DVDs? You're right this burner is almost non-existant. I really cant believe it, I bought it off the shelf only about 6 months ago. Got robbed. Can't exact go testing on DL discs, I've made 1 coaster already and buying 3 of them @ $15, that doesnt feel pleasant at all.
oh btw the Nero messages were coming from DVD shrink, since it uses Nero to burn. I accidently burned a 4.7gb image when I meant to do the 8.5 GB one. So I thought it worked at first but then halfway thru I realized I just wasted a disc. At least I know it can be burnt as a single layer disc so it must have some bit of life.
http://www.videohelp.com/dvdwriters.php?DVDnameid=1594&Search=Search&list=2#comments It's a rebadged lite-on,still not sure what model of litey it was.The YWS6 doesn't even come close to anything Lite-on has,except for a lap top burner. That link is the only info I could find on it. At least it has the ability to booktype! That'll come in handy in case you run into any stand alones that won't play your R,RW,and R DL backups. Memorex 16x drives are made by: Lite-on NEC Pioneer
hmm, thx for the disappointing news Saug... but will what you said above help at all? I dont really know much about BIOS stuff so I just wanted to make sure it wasnt just a performance enhancement.
You gotta get those dma's switched to DMA/UDMA/or if available. That link I posted explains it all. Just uninstall the drivers from one of those controllers,reboot. Then uninstall the next controller,reboot. Etc.