Dual-Layer XBOX1 Games? How to burn?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by Medcom77, Jul 13, 2009.

  1. Medcom77

    Medcom77 Member

    May 19, 2009
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    Has anyone came up with a definitive answer on how to burn larger xbox1 games? I've heard to trim off pieces like other language files or demos to condense the game down but that hasn't worked. I tried burning it directly to a dual-layer disc using a default layer break and again, no success. Is there a certain layer break that must be made on XBOX1 games or am I better off just playing the original disc. I know my other option is to upgrade my xbox hard drive, but I came into the modding world a little late and doubt the availability of compatible drives so for now I will continue with just creating backups. But this is the one thing I can't figure out for the XBOX. Thanks for anyone who can answer my question.

    P.S. as I've stated in other console threads, thanks to everyone that has contributed to the tutorials. You guys are really helpful and informative and I really appreciate it! Thank You!
  2. mik30

    mik30 Member

    Aug 5, 2009
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    If you have a modchip the only thing you have to look for is a mastering software that creates udf filesystems in a way that the XBOX can read. Nero6 has an explicit option to do that and pdassi does it by default. If you use -DL media there is no need to strip anything.

    On the other hand many 360 drives do not read burned media
    very well. If you have such a drive you have to change it
    with another dvd drive.
  3. varnull

    varnull Guest

    xbox doesn't like d/l disks.. very unreliable.

    I mastered heaps of larger late series games to dvd-5 .. you need qwix and then you look for matching media files.. and the end credits can go too... usually they are called xxxxxxxx_w.avi or whatever.. it's been a long time.. it's easier to back up big games to the hdd rather than waste disk after disk experimenting. Your d/l's may be working fine.. but if the xbox drive won't read them then it's a non starter. Try burning a couple of films and see if it's even reading the disks.. will put money on it freezing and crashing.. use the stock dash.. not xbmc for the test..

    Mine are about 50-50 on d/l disk reads.. even pressed bought d/l disks don't read reliably and that's with the legendary samsung 605b and verbatims for the burns.. The xbox drives were right at the start of d/l technology.. they really aren't up to it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2009

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