Hi i have had for a long time a ntl cable modem and now i have been offered by my landlord the use of adsl broadband also free. I want to know if there is anyway i can use both simultaniously so that i have a faster connection? How would i go around doing this? thanks in advance
just to add im looking at an option called multilink. would this work with adsl and cable internet connections?
No, you would need a piece of hardware called a multiplexer. The idea is that it's some thing like a router but with two Internet interfaces and one local LAN interface. They can be found one www.pricewatch.com for around or under $200.
Hi thanks for the speedy reply. I am based in the uk so buying from price watch will not be feasible for me. Could you possibly elaborate on the hardware (ie alternative names) as i have been looking all over uk based e-shops and have been unable to find anything. thanks again.
i have found something like what you said on ebay the link = http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=176&item=5742187789&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW can you please advice if this is suitable. Could you also provide me a direct link to the right item as i cant seem to find it on the website advised earlier.
That won't work unfortunately. The closest thing I could find was this: http://store.mrtechus.com/duwan4dsbrro.html . There isn't really anything out there that will truly combine the bandwidth of both connections as how this device uses QoS to balance the load on the two connections. In other words, if one connection is too congested, the router will route your request out through the other connection instead. This in effect doesn't really allow you to truly combine the bandwidth but may create the illusion of combined bandwith in the sense that you can have two downloads running at once, one on each connection.