Does anyone know of any programs which utilize a dual threaded encoding process for DVD-9 to DVD-5? I've been using DVD Shrink for a few years now but on my laptop Shrink only uses a total of one core instead of both, which would increase performance substantially... Thanks for any ideas, help, or suggestions...
I could have sworn DVD Shrink was multithreaded, but I haven't used it on my quad core yet I don't think. DVD-RB will use all your cores I know, but it will still take longer than DVD Shrink. I'll check DVD Shrink in the morning to double check the core usage.
I've heard that its multi-threaded but I'm not to sure on that. It takes 35 minutes approxmately on my laptop to encode a movie, and on the desktop build it takes only 22 minutes. My laptop has a 1.46 dualcore and the desktop has an 1.8ghz single core athlon... The laptop is faster in all respects but encodes slower. Utilizing only about 60% of the total processing power including all other running processes. That indicates that its only operating at a rate of 1.46ghz and not using both cores to their full potential...
While the laptop may have a faster processor, they just aren't built for these types of heavy duty CPU intensive applications. My laptop has an 3200+ X64 in it and would take around 1'15" to encode, while my old P4 2.4 single core would take between 30-45 quad would do the same movie in 6 minutes. Are you encoding/ripping from the DVD at the same time?
Yes I'm ripping and encoding at the same time... I haven't tried it yet but I might try ripping the movie first and then encoding it. It may prove to be a faster method. Its just weird because I've done some Divx encoding using a dual threaded codec and it would encode at twice the speed of the single thread codec...
When you encode while ripping you are held back by the speed the drive can read the data. HDD's will read the data faster, and thus allow the processor be more efficient.
It only tops out at around 4,000kb/s which is about 4x. The drive is capable of 8x which if I'm not mistaken is about 10,000kb/s. I could be wrong on the speed and data rate conversions though.
Thanks LOCO I'll let you know if I come across one since you don't know one offhand... I think the newest Recode is completely dual threaded but I haven't had to buy a new burner lately to get a free copy of the newest Nero...
Yeah, I got a little off track. I've used DVD2One, recode and DVD Shrink. I just built my machine and haven't got all my old programs back on it yet and really haven't ripped anything serious in about six months for lack of interest, so I haven't had any material to work with. I did rip the last Harry Potter flick to test with DVD-RB. It took DVDRB 45 minutes to encode and took DVD Shrink around 6 minutes, if I remember correctly, with Deep Analysis and Max Smooth around 75%. This was ripping first and working later and I don't think I ever burned it to a disc. EDIT: Here are my times with DVDRB ~
Yeah, I figured that it was probably because its a laptop... So even though it technically has a more powerful processor. In the end its not made to go as fast...
And that's encoding from the harddrive... I'll have to see what mine is capable of once I'm up and fully running again...
I ripped the movie to my harddrive with AnyDVD, and then encoded it to a 4400mb .iso image. It took 8 minutes and 40 seconds, peaked at the very beginning of the encode process at 31,000 kb/s and then stablized around 15,500 kb/s as shown in the picture. All non essential programs were closed, so this proves that it is dual threaded. A bottleneck between the DVD drive and the rest of the computer is the apparent issue.
Just did a quick search, and it does seem other people have reported multiple cores being used by Shrink (the first 3 links i picked out of google) - I haven't used Shrink for ages (in fact hardly at all since around November ie when i got my Quad Core and Dual Core machines). I wouldn't have even have thought about Shrink benefitting from multiple cores until i saw this thread, because Shrink (bless it!) is ancient, plus as i say i rarely use Shrink anymore (bless it again). I might just try a quick test on the Quad while i'm here... edit- seems it does fly on multiple cores after all (mine stays around 36,000kb/s all the way thru, for the encoding ie fast SATA drives) 2mins 55secs to do a 6GB movie that was already on the hard drive, just as a test, as 70% compression is not good enough quality for me; i don't bother with the extra quality features in Shrink anymore (rarely ever used them even in the past in fact) as i prefer DVD Rebuilder. The reason i don't ever hardly use DVD Shrink anymore is that anything under 90% goes into DVD Rebuilder by default so Shrink (bless it yet again) often gets overlooked.
That's across two SATA drives... I did mine across a single SATA-150 drive on the same partition. Which is still faster then encoding on the fly. But after you factor in the time it takes to rip the DVD to the HD and then encode it, it takes around the same amount of time...
I forgot about this too....