dude i hate my computer!!!

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by master569, Oct 2, 2007.

  1. master569

    master569 Member

    Jan 16, 2007
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    My computer is a pretty old one. And when i say old i mean it's like a fossil. It has a 448 MHz processor and 512 mb of ram. It also has windows xp, service pack 2. It can't play video games that i like,(except starcraft wich was made like 12 years ago so about the same time as my comuter)and it is extremely slow. The only thing that keeps me from F-ing tearing this computer apart is the fact that i have internet, (the only access to people outside my town wich is tiny.) So my question kinda is what should i do. Should i totaly destroy this peace of hardware and get a totally awsome new computer. Or should i spent the time buying and upgrading things like the video card or whatever. Got i hate this computer.
  2. deadlove

    deadlove Guest

    Get rid of that heap of crap called windows XP.. Install a decent modern linux and give it a whole new lease of life.

    450MHz and 512 ram is good specs for a quality linux general purpose box. You will find that most modern variants run from very well to amazingly on it...

    Most people I know have 2 machines.. an amazing dual core thing for gaming, and an old clunker like yours for the internet and general torrents, converting, editing..ripping cd's.. all that kind of stuff.
    TBH my main system isn't much better.. Twin alpha 600 with (currently)380 ram.. running linux, and the dogs dangly bits for internet and dvd work.

    Forget games tho.. buy a console for those unless you like spending huge amounts of money on graphics cards and memory every 6 months...

    /me is off to play postal2 on my clunker...
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2007
  3. master569

    master569 Member

    Jan 16, 2007
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    thx dude. hope to get rid of the heap soon.
  4. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    It will be worthless trying to upgrade. It will never do, what you're wanting it to do, unless you completely replace the insides. The old mobo, probably won't handle the processor you'll need for gaming, or take the amount of ram you'll need. May not accept a good sound and video card either. New computers are pretty cheap now days. Check out the Dells for a name brand computer, but if you can afford it, custom built is really the way to go. It will be much more upgradable, than a name brand. Name brands are too proprietary........

    The the specs of your old one, can handle a linux OS, that would be a good way to play around and learn a new OS. You might like it.
    Good luck!

  5. master569

    master569 Member

    Jan 16, 2007
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    I would get something like linux but the computer that i use is kinda like a family computer and i dont think my dad would let me do that kinda stuff to this computer. I have a job so if i save some money and buy a new computer then i will experiment with this computer. But other than that thx alot.
  6. master569

    master569 Member

    Jan 16, 2007
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    I have a Wii and my bro has a xbox 360 but i still, for some reason, like gaming on computers better. Expesially MMORPG

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