So I'm expecting to get my g6 lite in a couple of weeks, from what I hear, it's made by the same people who made make the M3 products. I found this page that tells you how to back up your own games using the M3 products. My questions are... will this work with the g6 lite? And will this also save game saves as well? I'd like to make back ups of my own games so I don't have to carry the cards around all the time, but I also don't want to lose my save games and have to start over once I start running them from my flash cart. What are other ways of backing up your games?
If I recall correctly, Rein can be used to dump originals, but it's in Chinese and I don't remember if it works with anything besides the M3.
Rein itself is not in chinese - its plain english. I used it to dump the save games from my Metroid and Mario kart
Its a fairly straight to the point program. I believe you can use it on non-M3 flash carts as well. I'm not sure how EZIV's interface is, but you should be able to run it in normal mode after just copying it over to your card (don't use fast mode.. doesn't work on M3 like that). You don't need a game manager or anything to write it, which you probably already knew. All you gotta do is run it, pop out your Passcard/Superkey/Nopass device, pop in a DS game, and it will read it and dump the save. From there, you have the raw .sav file which you can convert to M3 format using the m3savetool, or to supercard, or any other flash cart as long as the tool is available
There's a version of Moonshell that has Rein built into it, but it isn't compatible with EZIV unless I recompile it myself. I might just do that since it'd be easier than carrying the originals I already have nearly completed save games on.
Hey! noone seems to have any problems, dumping their games? well, i have! as usual well, i believe that i'm doing everything right but my dumper don't start. i get FAIL in the left at the bottom. Here's a link to a screenshot of what i get. so any suggestions? what is wrong? i use m3 with passcard 3, my ds lite is not flashed, and i have 2g mini sd card. My sd card is formatted to FAT32.
did you write it with the M3 game manager? make sure your settings are: Normal Boot, 1XDMA, no cheat, no trim