I have a version # 1 xbox. Trying to flash a Duox2 Cromwell, bank 0. Xbox works fine in normal mode. Power up in either bank and see the screens and diagnostics for both bios on both banks. However, when I put a cd in, it spins and does nothing. On bank 0 it ejects the disk and says place disk in system and push "A". The other bank goes to the selection menu of options, but no further. It seems like the controller is not working when I'm in the Duo chip modes? I'm guessing I need to check my connections? Any insight?
You need to make sure to use an original Xbox controller if possible; the DuoX2 does not recognize some non-Xbox brands. Bank 0 contains the latest Cromwell bios. To flash it you will need the Eurasia generic pro flash disc. And please note that you will need a 512KB bios. You can find them here: http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=search&query= 1.6 -1.6b machines will need the m8+ 1.6 bios. 1.0-1.5 machines can use either the m8+ bios (non 1.6) or the Xecuter 4983 bios. The best thing to do is to just flash the (Bank 1) it already contains a flashbios, so all you need is the m8+ bios on a CD-RW. Bank 1 contains the latest FlashBios (3.03-1). Please note that you will need a 512KB bios. 1.6 -1.6b machines will need the m8+ 1.6 bios. 1.0-1.5 machines can use either the m8+ bios (non 1.6) or the Xecuter 4983 bios. Creating the Bios CD: - Burn the ISO file onto a CD-RW or DVD-R. (For Nero select the following settings, No Multisession, ISO Level 1, Format Mode 1, ISO 9660, Deselect Joliet, Finalize CD, Disc-At-Once)
Wow, after many hours of buying and trying different media, reading forums and burning at least 20 coasters, I finally got it. I'm not backing up the original HD to my PC via FTP. Next will be the bigger HD install attempt and backing up my games to the HD. Can't wait. Thanks so much for your help. Not to make anyone mad, but my PS2 mod seemed to go much smoother than this. Good luck to all. I'll give it a year or so and maybe attempt the 360 next!
Everything is perfect! Boards here and elsewhere rock! Thanks for helping the oldest Newbie ever! (34 year young) lol