duo x2 cromwell modchip flash and dash problems

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by xboxnoobi, Feb 24, 2010.

  1. xboxnoobi

    xboxnoobi Member

    Feb 24, 2010
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    I recently purchased a duox2 cromwell modchip and installed it into my xbox. i know it works fine because i followed all the instructions and the flash bios screen came up (and the cromwell on the other mem bank) I was able to flash the flashbios bios with evox via lan. I know that it flashed properly because now the xbox boots the same way it did before- same dashboard and all- except for the pink triangle that says "evo x" when you see that first "x" upon booting. i'm stuck here though. I dont know how to get a new dashboard on there or re-flash the bios for a different bios file. i've tried burning cdrs, cdrws, and dvdrws with bios/dashboards as per the "nero instructions" and all the disks are unable to be read by xbox! i could really use the help because id like to start doing the new things with my xbox that i payed for. please help

  2. scum101

    scum101 Guest

    dvd-r .. 8x disk.. only ones guaranteed to work .. you might have to hunt around to find a suitable one.. +r and rw don't work on 80% of consoles.

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