I've got a few games that I burned on media that my GameCube doesn't read too well, so I get tons of DRE's. I recently found some discs that work almost flawlessly with it. My questions is: if an image is copied from the poor media to the good media, will the DRE's go away? I'm assuming the answer is yes, but I'd like to know if anyone's tried this and can verify it before I start wasting G04's.
They may or may not go away. I think they probably will. There's really only one way to know for sure....
I agree with malcdogg the only way to find out if they go away is to do it. It depends on why your getting the DRE's in the first place. If its a bad rip then more then likly they wont go away, But if its due to the GC not liking the media your using then there is a good chance the DRE's will go away due to your computer DVD drive can read the disc without getting the DRE's. Then reburn with the better media. Just incase you dont know you dont have to use your GC to re-rip the games you can make copies of the games from the already made backup discs. Just use nero and choose to (Copy DVD)