DVD 9 Question

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Xplorer4, May 29, 2006.

  1. Xplorer4

    Xplorer4 Active member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    I am able to find double sided 9GB DVD, but do they make a single sided DVD 9? If so, what are the chances of them playing on any home DVD player?

    Thanks in advance. :)
  2. mistycat

    mistycat Active member

    Nov 3, 2003
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    Well, not 9G exactly. They do make a single sided DVD 9 that is marketed as a Dual or Double Layer and advertised as an 8.5G DVD but it really only holds 7.9G. There should be no problem playing them on your standalone. Just be careful when purchasing them as they are available as + or - and most writers support + and you also have to have a DL writer.
  3. theboltz

    theboltz Regular member

    Feb 23, 2006
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    Hi! I found out the hardway that all DL media is not compatible with all DL writers, so make sure you have the latest firmware and that takes care of most of those problems. What kind of writer are you using? If it happens to be NEC go to Binflash in my signture for most recent updates.
  4. Xplorer4

    Xplorer4 Active member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    No it doesn't support DL. I have a Phillips DVD+-RW Drive(DVD8631 to be exact).

    I was hopping to find a method to refrain from using 2 4.7 GB DVDs without having to use shrink and reduce any quality.:(

    Thanks anyways.
  5. theboltz

    theboltz Regular member

    Feb 23, 2006
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    Hi Again! I don't know if you are willing to change out or add a different burner, but for around 40 dollars at Egghead, you could get a nice NEC 3550A and it will burn most everything, except DVD Ram. I have had mine for about 4 months and last month for 39.99 dollars I bought one for my brother in law and he has had great success too. Just a thought. By the way CDFreaks have grat firmware for that machine and I can burn all DL media with no problems. Supermediastore has it for 34.45 dollars and they are a great source for very good media at great prices.
    Last edited: May 31, 2006
  6. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    Uh- that's a rebadged benq 1620 drive. It'll do DL media in the plus format,but only burn at 2.4x. Here's some more info on it:


    This is not a high quality drive. Look in the dvd+/- rw drives forum for a humongous thread titled philips 8631. Lots of unhappy campers with that drive. Look for the latest firmware update.

    Try verbatim +2.4x media. See if your drive needs a firmware update-update it if it has an older version.

    You won't need dvd shrink for backing up onto dl media. There's faster/easier ways-as long as they don't have the newer encryption like sony's arccos.

    Ripping: Use dvd decrypter,which is free. It has 2 widely used modes.

    File mode-for dvd-9 to dvd-5.You'll have to compress using dvd shrink.

    Then it has ISO mode,also known as Mode ISO.

    ISO mode is for a 1:1 copy. No compression,so no need to compress.Dvd-9 to dl media or maybe you want a copy of something you already backed up that was on a dvd-5,or a small original movie that's on a dvd-5. Very simple-unless it has the newer encryption:

    Open dvd decrypter
    Mode/ISO/Read-remember where those files go on your harddrive.Should take 15-20 mins max to rip to hard drive. After that:

    Mode/ISO/write- Now find that movie. When you find it on your harddrive,you'll see the iso files and mds files. Click on mds files/open/set burn speed/and burn. 1 program for dl backups!

    No need to compress,no need for dvd shrink.Something you got to watch out for using dvd shrink,some peeps like me allow nero6 to do the autoburning after dvd shrink gets through encoding. Nero6 does have issues with the layer break.That's why nero7 was created.

    Another program is IMGburn which is also free. It's identical to dvd decrypter's ISO write mode.It's suppose to be better than dvd decrypter for dl burning. Same thing-rip with dvd decrypter- mode iso read.Open up IMGburn/locate mds files/open and burn.

    Edit: The latest fw update is GD30.You can update it here:

    Last edited: May 31, 2006
  7. Xplorer4

    Xplorer4 Active member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    At the time, no not really. Thanks for the suggestions but my Phillips suits me fine for now.

    @saugmon -thank you for such a detailed response. :)
    Personally, I can't say to much negative about this drive. It's had a few quirks such as one DVD I burned had 1 movie, a 30 second interview, and short clip of something else that was like 6 min long. The movie was somewhat choppy(on the Sony DVD Player, fine on X-Box and JVC DVD Player) while everything else played fine, but I let Nero trans code it rather then WinAVI, and burned like a charm. Oh and I switched medias from Maxell DVD+R(Made in Japan) to Sony DVD-R(Crap media either way eh) media.

    Will this updated firmware give better compatibility results?

    Also in reference to the DVD9-5 method, what if the files are already on my hard drive as AVI files?

    What are the best DL media, verbatim +2.4x? Where can I get them as I haven't seen them offered at my local Wal-Mart, Office Depot or Best Buy might carry them but I'm sure there cheaper on line.

    Thanks for the help everyone. :)

    OH and are there any updated drivers for the drive or is that not really needed?
    Last edited: May 31, 2006
  8. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    Firmware controls the writing strategy of burners.

    Will it help? When issues arrise,I advise updating them. If nothing major occuring,then I'd leave it alone. There is slight risk of ruining a drive during that fw update.

    Verbatim +2.4x is the best DL media out there. All those stores you listed carry them. I'm not sure if any of them have a sale on them this week. Look in the dvd +/-r media forum for the weekly sales thread.
    When on sale: $2 a pop. Internet: I don't really see a whole lot of deals for dl media.

    AVI files on harddrive: Not my area of knowledge.I can't help you there.
  9. Xplorer4

    Xplorer4 Active member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    Well I upgraded it already. Will be testing it later tonight or tomorow.

    Also, are the 8X Verbatim+DL worse quality?

    And for the DVD5-8 thing, Nero Recode should work shouldn't it?

    Thanks. :)
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2006
  10. Xplorer4

    Xplorer4 Active member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    How can I downgrade my firmware? I think I am having more problems with it installed then my old firmware.
  11. Xplorer4

    Xplorer4 Active member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    The firmware works fine actually, just a few errors of my own. ;)

    Now in theory, can't I take AVI files, let Nero encode the ifo,vob and such from the avi files, then use Magic ISO to create a ISO image, let DVD Decrypter create the MDS files then burn the MDS?

    Sounds like the same process but when I burned the MDS file using Decrypter my DVD player does not read the disc at all, so I don;t think IMGBurn will change that.

    When I used NVE 3(in Nero 6) to do the burn it reads the disc fine but as you said does not read the layer break.

    Nero 7 is rather horrible from what I hear and so far I agree. The install runs and uninstalls Nero 6, gives an error about a plug in not detected, needs to reboot but does not install after reboot.

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