DVD audio too low

Discussion in 'Video to DVD' started by chuf, May 11, 2006.

  1. chuf

    chuf Member

    May 11, 2006
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    I have a DVD someone gave me with video from a bachelor party. The problem is that the audio is too low - which means that I have to connect it to an amplifier to hear a word of what they're saying.
    Does anyone know how to fix that? I've tried ripping it to AVI with DVDx, but no luck. Then I looked for a tool that could normalize the sound and maybe turn it up a bit - please let me know if anyone know about a tool that can help me.
    Best regards
  2. moonrocks

    moonrocks Regular member

    Jul 30, 2005
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    Well, the general idea would be to demux out your video and audio streams, up the volume on your audio stream then remux them back together.

    I'm guessing BeSweet would be the best program to use to increase the volume on the audio. Unfortunately I'm not familiar enough with using BeSweet to be able to tell you how to do that. You could try experimenting with it yourself, or hopefully someone else could outline the steps you'd need to take.


    Here's the steps I've used once or twice before to change the volume level of a DVD. It's probably not the most efficient way, but it should work:

    To demux the video and audio - Start PgcDemux, select the VTS_01_0.IFO of your DVD. Make sure both video and audio streams are selected then hit "Process". You'll end up with an .m2v video file and an .ac3 audio file.


    To up the volume on the audio - Load your ac3 file into Headac3he. Select a destination file, and select the destination format as .wav. Click on Options (towards the middle right) then
    find Global Gain towards the bottom. You can increase the db level here. You may have to experiment to get the volume where you want it.


    After your .wav file is created you'll need to convert it back to .ac3. Use ffmpegGUI to do that.


    Now you have to remux your original video .mp2 file and new .ac3 file back together. Use Muxman to remux then burn a new DVD.


    It's a few steps, but not that bad really. Separate out the streams, convert the audio to .wav with an increased volume, convert it back to .ac3 and then mux it together for a new DVD.
    Last edited: May 16, 2006

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