i have made some back up's of my film's but when i come to watch them they seem to freeze or they stop and start does anybody know why i have cleaned the laser on my dvd player help !!!!
First we need more information like what software did you use?, what is the make and model of your dvdwriter and with what firmware?, what brand of blank media did you use?, how fast did you burn? What movies are playing up? When we have all the information we will be able to help you better. Otherwise we will be just guessing as to what could be wrong. EDIT: Welcome to AD
ok thanks my burner is a pioneer dvd-rw dvd-111d (not sure on the firmware)how do i find out which it is ? the programs i use are dvdfab & dvd x copy x-press disc's i use are ritek dvd - r 8x full face printable (i have used other brands i think they were titanuim + r 8x full face printable i think)
it does sound like a media problem.... pixelations, skipping and freezing often reflects bad media. Read lable on Media and make sure it's Made in Japan..... those are the top notch media around. The only exception to that rule is Verbatim (which is made in Taiwan/Singapore). Verbatim is also a top notch media brand. Starting with good media will stop most of the pixelations, skipping and freezings...... then if you have a problem you can rule out bad media! here is a media guide for you: http://www.digitalfaq.com/media/dvdmedia.htm Taiyo Yuden, Verbatim, Maxell, Sony..... the ones MIJ are the better media!
I use Verbatim, made in Taiwan, white printable discs and have for some time with great success, I live in Aust. mine costs around $38/ spindle of 50
Personally I do not think that Ritek is a good media choice. (some will disagree with me, going by my own experience with them) Persoanlly I only use Taiyo Yuden and Verbatim, and have never had a problem. EDIT: How long have you had DVDxCopy Express?
download this free program, DVDDecrypter: http://fileforum.betanews.com/download/DVD_Decrypter/1011845169/1 follow this to find out your current firmware and if there is an update: I only use Taiyo Yuden printables with 100% success rate!
Your firmware needs updating I believe it is now at V 1.23 Firmware updates improve your dvdwriters writing/reading strategy and improves compatibility with blank media. Someone else will be able to explain it better
For transcoders (for picture quality)The free option is DVDShrink. The $$$ option is Nero recode2 The easiest is clonedvd2 ($$$) [bold]THE BEST[/bold] Encoders DVDRB-Pro with Procoder2 or cce ($$$$)
still having problems with picture freezing and pixelation have got new disc's (Taiyo Yuden) the movie was : star wars 5 copy program : dvdfab writer : pioneer 111d firmware : 1.23 help again please
When you play the files from your HDD does it freeze? Persoanlly I would not use DVDFab to rip and burn, you would be better off doing it like this. Rip using DVDFab Decrypter (free) http://www.dvdidle.com/free.htm Compress with Shrink (free) http://filehippo.com/download_dvdshrink/ Burn with Imgburn (free) http://www.imgburn.com/ If you do take my advise let me know and I will tell you how to set it up
First you rip the movie onto your HDD using DVDFab Decrypter GUIDE: http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?t=51904 Then open shrink to compress, settings depend on how much compression is needed, but always use deep analysis. Select output as an ISO image you select this option when you press backup (select backup target) GUIDE: http://www.dvdr-digest.com/articles/23_1.html Then use Imgburn to burn the iSO onto a blank disc. burn @4x