for a long time iv backedup all my dvd's so i am pretty compotent to it, mostly thanks to this site. i use anydvd, dvd shrink, dvd decryptor, win avi, and nero. all those have worked in some combination or the other before but now as of recently all the dvd's i backup cut out in the last 20 mins or so. iv gone as far as to use a dual layer disc and still use dvd shrink to make it around 4 gig but still the same thing happens........ any info would be great! thanks and i do keep any dvd updated........if that matters
Hi: It sounds like a media or burning problem. Use good quality media like Verbatim, Taiyo Yuden, and Made in Japan labeled Fuji and Sony. Don't burn at max speed. While some burners with excellent quality media can do a good job at max, others, dare I say, most, do not. I usually limit the burn speed to half or less the rated speed of the media, especially if having problems. Do not burn too close to the outer edge of the disk. Set the target output size for DVD5s to 4350MB or 44MB at the most. In DVD Shrink this is under: Edit menu > Preferences > Preferences tab > Target DVD Size menu Select Custom and enter 4350 or 4400 in the MB size box. 4350 is what I usually use. I assume you're keeping your burner firmware up to date.
i keep everything as up to date as i can. thanks ill try and slow down the burner and post if that solves the problem. as far as the medis goes. ill also try a diferent brand but i have used the same discs for a long time i wouldnt think its it but i will try and post.......thanks again!
@97integra re the media. if you are using a "lesser" brand of dvds (anything but taiyo yuden or verbatim or sony (made in japan), it's possible that you actually have a current batch of disks made by a different manufacturer than in the past, even though it has the same brand name on it. most brands are just labeled, and the manufacturers and quality can vary from batch to batch. you can download a free software that will identify the actual manufacturer of your dvds: you might want to check some of your old dvds that worked and compare the manufacturer with the current batch. even the same manufacturer can produce different quality dvds, either intentionally or by defect. buy some verbatims and see what happens.