I recently upgraded my Sony DRU-720A to their new firmware and my computer virtually got rrrreeeeaaaalllll slow. I restored the computer to an earlier time and now it reads the drive as the old model DRU-720A but with the new firmware. Before I restored the drive it read it as the new "drive" JY08. It even said new hardware found JY08. The recorder would not work until I restored it to an earlier time. What do I need to do to correct the problem? P.S. I was unable to disable the DMA settings before upgrading the firmware. Did I ruin my recorder? If not now what?
Normally,from what i've been answered before about what are the steps to be followed while updating a firmware,they never mentionned that DMA need to be disable.So it means that normally you don't need to disable it,if need to disable,those who gave me these advices would never omitted that point as they are highly qualified. SAo i trust their advices. What i've learned is that if something doesn't work properly after a firmware update,there is the possibility of setting it back the way it was,i.e,you can roll back your drive update. For that,click start,control panel,then systems and box will come up then you click the hardware tab then device manager,then click CD/DVD Rom drives,right click on the drive you want,go to click properties then click the driver tab and you'll see four choices,click "Roll Back Driver" and you're set. It looks a bit complicated but i gave it to you same as it was given to me. Vincent.
Dude!Forget to tell you not to make multiple posting!It's not allowed.You can get warned from higher members for that! Vincent.
Sorry for the double post but I wasn't sure where to post the problem and I really needed help! I didn't change the drivers I changed the firmware so the previous answer is not going to help me, but I will try it.
It's ok.By the way,the steps i gave you earlier is for firmware update,to be more precise,it's when you are not totally satisfied with your new firmware and wish to get back to your earlier firmware.Normally it should work. Let me know about that. Vincent.
Well it rolls back the driver but not the firmware I wrote to Sony for help so far no response. Thanks for the effort.