DVD Burner is giving huge error at 1.2GB on Neros "DVD speed" test..help!

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by mikej3131, Nov 30, 2006.

  1. mikej3131

    mikej3131 Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    ok i am having problems with my current dvd burner on my computer. I have been backing up every movie i own with Verbatim dvd-r's. After i burn them, i make sure i get a good burn with Neros CD/DVD speed test. For about a half of a year now, i would get very good results. Just starting last week though, i have noticed a huge spike in this Nero test at around the 1.2GB mark on every dvd in the past week. It does affect the dvd as it skips with about 25 minutes into the movie. Oh yeah, it isnt the dvd's because i have tried other brands of blank dvd's and the same spike failure shows up.

    Can somone please help me out on this one and identify the problem. Could it be that my dvd burner is just worn out, does this happen?? Or do i need to update firmware, could that help? Is there a fix for this?
  2. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Hi mikej3131
    Yes you might just need a firmware update - if one is available.

    They do wear out just like anything but let's check the firmware 1st.

    What's the make and model of the burner?
  3. mikej3131

    mikej3131 Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    The burner is TSSTcorp CD/DVDW TS-H552B. Its firmware is at GA04 and tonight i am going to update to GA05 and see if that works. Can firmware upgrades fix issues like this though? the burner worked fine for a half year but now messes up at the 1.2 GB mark

    As for the CD/DVD speed test, the PI errors are pretty good at a max at about 20 an total of around 20,000. The PI Failures are fine averaging a 1.5 for the whole test except at that 1GB mark. At around the 1 GB mark, the PI Failure spikes at 30 and sometimes 40 which is real bad. I thought maybe it was a fluke but the dvd's skip at this mark(twenty or so minutes into the movie) all the time
  4. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Yes that's one thing firmware updates do - help the drive w/ write strategies on media.

    Give that a go 1st and let's see how that goes.

    What speed are you burning at?
  5. mikej3131

    mikej3131 Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    im burning at 6x on verbatim 16x media. That was the best speed for that media a half yea now as i tested out other speeds. Oh yeah i fogot to mention that the spike is just one single spike. I am in the process of burning a dick with the nw firmware. will let you know how that goes
  6. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    LOL - hopefully you're not burning what you say you are :0)

    Ok let us know how the firmware update went with these.

    Few other suggestions that may or may not be playing into this (but good to do regularly):
    °do a disc cleanup and defrag
    °run virus and spyware scans
    °run a registry cleaner
    °dvd lens cleaner or canned air on the drive (don't need to do regularly but dust does collect on the lens)

    The spike coming at a certain point on all burned dvd's can be the drive itself though but rule out as many possibilities as you can.
  7. mikej3131

    mikej3131 Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    Do you mean that verbatim 16x dvd-r media is bad? what are you recomendations? Are those results bad? Ive watched movies with those results without the spike and havent had any problems?

    on my whole computer/hard drive?

    [/quote]run virus and spyware scans [/quote]
    I think my comps petty clean, i run virus and soyware tests all th time

    How do i do this?

    I actually was thinking about getting a air can thing and doin a clean of the whole inside of my pc cuz it is kinda dusty. Whats dvd lens cleaner? Do i eject the drive and spray it directly on where the dvd goes?
  8. mikej3131

    mikej3131 Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    UPDATE: Well i just got a pretty good burn with no spikes on my first test with the new firmware and i thought i was good to go, then i tested another disc and i got the worst burn i ever had with verbatim 16x -r. I think the firmware update just made my burner worse, is that possible
  9. catfreak

    catfreak Active member

    Mar 15, 2004
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    Some time ago, I had a similar problem with a HP drive on one of my spare PCs . . it turned out that my anti-spyware program was the culprit

    Since the spike occurs at the same place, and I assume the same time, during each burn . . . you may have a program causing the problem. Make sure that you disable firewalls, anti-virus, anti-spyware and pop-up blockers as well as screensavers . . .

  10. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Sorry there mikej3131 I was referencing what's after this line I am in the process of burning a.
    You can edit the typo from the post.

    Verbatims are fine I use them myself.

    Defrag your hard drive or drives if you have more than 1.

    Registry cleaners can clear out all the junk left behind from things like installing and uninstalling program.
    I use ccleaneron a few pc's and it's free and does a good job. Use the issues and cleaner options.

    Canned air is always a good idea inside the pc case. Too much dust can cause overheating and hence sometimes problems.
    Inside the drive you just kinda point it in and blow around a bit. I use a DVD lens cleaner for that (my aim ain't that good :0). It has a special soft brush on a dvd placed to hit the lens in the right spot.
    These dvd lens cleaners run about $10 a piece but can be used up to 5 times and are good on the dvd players too.

    If everything else is okay (maintenance wise) $10 (- or + a few) is the most I would pay out on a lens cleaner. A good drive is running 30-35 in the US at newegg.com.

    So clean things up a bit and along w/ the firmware update see ow it goes.

    edit to add: Hey there Catfreak! Good to see ya at aD!!
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2006
  11. mikej3131

    mikej3131 Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    ohhhhhhh i didnt even catch that haha, wow that word was far off from "dvd"

    hmm i didnt know that type of stuff can cause it. Ill give it a shot and disable everything

    can i blow it directly on everything inside my pc or should i just work around things like the motherboard?

    Can i get one at best buy and does it matter what kind i get?
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2006
  12. mikej3131

    mikej3131 Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    Someone suggested these drives, has any1 ever had experience with these particular drives? Are these good? Could i get better ones?

    Internal Retail: The item number at new egg is N82E16827106015

    Internal OEM: The item number at new egg is N82E16827106019

    External: The item number at newegg is N82E16827106016

    there all lite-on
  13. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    All good drives there. LiteOn fan myself and have used them for a few years.
    The oem drive is just the drive only - the retail gives you the few extras if your interested in them.

    Blowing out the case - just take the case off or a side panel and you'll see the dust. Just blow it out especially around the fans.

    Yes you can get the lens cleaner at Best Buy - I picked up the Maxell one.
  14. mikej3131

    mikej3131 Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    whats extras come with the retail one? if i get the retail one, will i need to buy a cable or anything?

    Are those liteon ones mentioned IDE or sata?
  15. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Neither come w/ a cable except for the external one - comes w/ a usb cable.

    The extra are just another color faceplate, a oem Nero and PowerDVD cd, audio cable (you probably have one now w/ the drive that you can use) and an owners manual.

    The 1st 2 drives in your list are ide. The last is an external which connects using a 2.0 usb port.

    Picking up a new cable may not be a bad idea. I picked up a round neon blue thermaltake one on newwegg for like $5. (clear side case so looks kinda cool)
  16. mikej3131

    mikej3131 Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    Ok yeah i was told the one i have now is ide so im gonan go for a ide one if i get one. My drive is TSSTcorp CD/DVDW TS-H552B, would this be IDE?

    So since i have a ide drive already in my pc, would i need to pick up any more cables to install this?? what exactly are the cables to connect and what are they for(audio cable etc.)?

    Are these Liteon Burners popular because of their cheap price or are they actyually the best burners?
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2006
  17. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Yes the drive you have now is an ide drive - connected by an ide cable.

    To replace the drive - you can just swap it w/ the one in there now. There are 3 connections - power connector (from your power supply), ide cable and the audio cable (for sound).

    Before you install it you might need to change the jumper on the back (very easy) to reflect the position on the ide cable (ie set master pin if set on master connection).

    You can check that in Nero to see how it is now. Open SmartStart - go to ToolKit>InfoTool>configuration tab. It will list your drive and how it connected.
    If this is a Dell pc though they prefer cable select.
  18. mikej3131

    mikej3131 Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    Wouldnt this be already set if my burner i have now is working properly? Can you explain in non tech terms?

    I have a Gateway 842gm. i will check tonight how my burner is connected with nero's infotool. On what section of infotool does it say it is connected?

    Oh yeah and i got another recomendation for that LITE-ON ATAPI/E-IDE DVD Burner With LightScribe 165H6S internal drive from newegg. I also noticed it had like 300 reviews on newegg so it must be a popular drive. I wonder why its so cheap?....Anyway do you agree that this is the best liteon drive?

    What does a combo drive mean?
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2006
  19. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    The jumpers on the back are already set when you get the drive - usually they are set to slave. So if your drive going to be on the slave connection then no need to change the pin.

    Here's aguide I found doing a quick google that should help.

    In InfoTool just click on the configuration tab - it will show all the drives (hard drive and optical) installed and how they are set.

    Newegg has good prices - plus optical drives have come way down in price over the years.
    A few years ago I paid like $150 for an 8x dual layer LiteOn. A few months ago I paid $30 for the LiteOn SHW-160P6S. Big diff!!
    That's another good drive too but doesn't have lightscribe.

    Really can't go wrong w/ any LiteOn imho.

    Combo drives are usually just cd writers w/ a dvd reader. No dvd burning.
  20. mikej3131

    mikej3131 Regular member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    Hey you've been a huge help so far, thanks alot.

    Im gonna do all that maintenance and clean the drive i have now out and see if that helps, and if it doesnt im gonna get that Liteon to replace it.

    Whats the difference between slave and master? If i am "replacing" the drive i have now with a new drive, would i have to set the LiteOn to master? And Vice Versa, if i wanted to add an optical drive so i can have two at a time, would i have to set the LiteOn to slave?

    If you notice in that guide, he only mentions two cables(power and ide cable)? didnt you say there were three?
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2006

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