No matter what i do, my dvd burner won't recognize Pink Panther(not a copied dvd) when I put it in..This has never happened before with any dvd, copied or original, in the past. I have been trying for 3 days now, and am getting very frustrated! I have restarted my computer, cleaned the disc..nothing. Eeven when I go into My Computer-->DVD Drive, it says there is nothing in the drive! It says, please insert a disc into the drive, however there is already one in there..! I asm pretty sure it's not my drive, because when I put any other dvd in there it plays fine. The Pink Panther works fine, by the way, in my home dvd player. What the heck is going on, some sort of protection on the dvd that makes it "INVISIBLE" to pc's or something?? Anyone else come across this problem?
Hello tmoney662. That does seem like a strange problem. There is obviously something about that particular disk that your burner doesn't like. Can you exchange it for another? If not, try downloading ISOBuster and see if it can recognize the disk. Have you tried uninstalling the drive and letting WinXP reinstall it upon restart? Since your drive recognizes other disks I doubt this'll do much good but it's worth a try. right click on My Computer and select Properties. click the Hardware tab. click the Device Manager button. expand DVD/CD-ROM drives by clicking on the "+" symbol. right click on the name of the burner and select Uninstall. restart the system
That Disc had a lot of protection, although that doesnt stop it from leting you watch it on your computer but it could on your particular burner or it could be a bad master. The computer drives read stuff the standalones dont. my advice is to rent a copy and see if it reads that one. Jondrew
I have IsoBuster, I tried it and it says there is a blank cd in the drive that Pink Panther is in.. Other than that I am still stuck. I will uninstall/reinstall my dvd drive, but I doubt that will do much...I am ready to throw the movie into a wall or something..
If you can not just go to my computer select your drive that the disc is in then explore it to see if there is a folder or files you might need anouther copy of the disc. nothing is perfect if can get it to explore, it might tell you what kind of file it got burnt too you can burn some crazy files sometime using all these programs out there.
No, I am not able to explore it al all... My computer says there is no disc in the drive when The Pink Panther (no other dvd, only this one) is in it. No matter what I do..I think I will give up, I am sick of wasting my time on this movie, it wasn't even that great in the first place!
This movie needed AnyDVD or higher to get past the structure protection. Once that was enabled, Shrink breezed through this movie. An original should always play in your computer. That is part of the DVD specification. Yours not playing is no different than if it didn't play in your DVD player. If other movies are playing in your PC and this one is not, then it is defective. I thought it was stupid and not funny. The original Pink Panther movies were hilarious. I expected more from Steve Martin.