If my burner is rated at 4x for dvd buring. What is the result if I use media that is rated at 16X or 8X speed? Will the burn turn out ok or do I have to use 4x media only? Thanks
Hi Funkey You may get burn failures but will depend on when the last firmware for the burner was and what media codes for 8x & 16x media were included. 8x will probably do better than 16x on a 4x drive. So update the firmware if it's not up to date and they may just be fine. Another option is get a new drive - pretty cheap now almost as cheap as 100 pack of Verbatims on sale.
Thanks fot the reply binkie7. I did just update the firm ware last night. So let me ask some more dumb questions. What does updateing the firmware do. Does it increase the capabilities of the drive? Such as it could burn at 4x and now will burn at 8x? How can you tell what the firmwear up date does? My burner is a Sony bru-700A. I would replace it but has done a good job of burning what I need. Guess I could add a second burner. Thanks
the latest firmware is now 2 yrs old! that makes a big difference considering that newer media has been produced and even with your update to the latest firmware(which is 2yrs old now) might not have updates on the newest media out there. here is what firmware does: Firmware is programming that is inserted into a programmable memory area of your drive, thus becoming a permanent part of a drive. This 'software' is called firmware and can be updated with a firmware flasher. Every company has its own methods to allow you to do a firmware upgrade. A firmware upgrade can add new functionality to your drive. Also bug fixes and improvements are done by firmware upgrades and it also upgrades what media can be recognized by your burner! now being the firmware is old and there are plenty of new media out there including 16x.... you burner is near extinction. Yes it may burn but will it burn correctly enough to last on the newer media! and it has more of a chance of failing as time goes by. If you have been getting successful burns then I would keep doing what you're doing and buy the 8x media only.... don't go into 16x media ..... just my opinion on your drive..... here is what it can do.... it's showing that your drive is an 8x drive not a 4x: http://www.videohelp.com/dvdwriters...om=&bdrom=&orderby=Name&hits=50&Search=Search
Thanks for the info IHoe. That clears up a lot of questions. I have some HP dvd+R 4X media that I have been using. Have had great results with these. Guess when I run out will be looking for a new drive. I'll just use the old drive as a reader. Thanks