DVD Burner thinks it is a CD Drive

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by bobr792, May 17, 2006.

  1. bobr792

    bobr792 Member

    Mar 24, 2006
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    Ok, now I have an issue with my dvd burner (LG - GSA-2166D)....I can play a dvd on the drive, but when I insert a blank dvd(Verbatim +R Lightscribe) into the drive it shows on the "My Computer" that it is a cd drive, however when it is empty it shows it as a DVD Ram drive. I have this problem on a both my laptop and desktop. My laptop I started over since I had really nothing on it and hoping the drive would work with it after I re-installed everything. Not so fortunate though. I talked with LG and they told me to try a firmware update, however I have the current update and it did not solve the problem. Does anybody have any suggestions.

    An "In-CD" is not currently installed on my computer.

    Please note everything was working fine for awhile, but one day it just stopped!

    The Primary and Secondary IDE Channels are on "DMA only" and I even tried uninstalling them and the dvd burner and rebooted and still not working. The current transfer modes on Device 0 are ultra DMA Mode 2 and Device 1 shows it is not applicable for both the Primary and Secondary IDE Channels.
    Last edited: May 17, 2006
  2. sa3cha0

    sa3cha0 Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    did you try burning anything on to the dvd? cause on my comp when i put a blank dvd in it it shows that it is a cd drive but on the picture of a disk it says dvd-r. dosse it do it on yours hopes this helps
  3. bobr792

    bobr792 Member

    Mar 24, 2006
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    I have tried and then I start getting media errors, but it is the same discs I have been using for about 6 months, so I don't know. When LG gets replacements in, I will send the unit back in probably since I have already talked to them about it and gotten a return slip. The fact is I don't even remember what the "My Computer" screen said when I would insert a blank dvd in the burner since I didn't pay much attention since it was working........Thanks for you responding.
  4. bobr792

    bobr792 Member

    Mar 24, 2006
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    Ok, so now after unistalling and reinstalling the Primary & Secondary IDE channel and uninstalling the dvd drive(LG GSA-2166D) and rehooking it up. I got it to backup twice, but now with 1ClickDVD, Nero and DVD Decrypter burning, they all say I have a media error, but the fact is I have been using the same media (Verbatim Lightscribe +R discs) for awhile now. Any suggestions on what to do? I have not changed anything after ther second backup to make it have a media error on the next few tries after that.
  5. laddyboy

    laddyboy Regular member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Post you NeroHistory log that is located in this path: Program Files -> Ahead -> Nero -> NeroHistory. Only post the section for the failed burn, probably the last, that begins:

    ===== Nero Burning ROM Nero History =====
    your program serial number

    Delete the program serial number and your name if present before posting.

    There's a lot of good info that helps to diagnose problems that is contained in the log.

    It is pretty common for a DVD drive to have a CD designation when you insert blank media. WinXP does not have native support for DVD burning, only CDs, so that's the obvious default. That's why we use 3rd party programs for burning DVDs. Now if your burner isn't burning DVDs or reading DVDs, that's a different matter all together.

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