The problem is that I burnt about 30 dvd's of mp3's so that I could format my pc, however when I went to try and read the dvd's [after formating] using the same burner (NEC ND-3500AG)it just won't read them they are showing as CD Audio but saying the CD is corrupted or they a format not recognised.... So I tried on another system, which wont read them at all....... but the home DVD players will read and play them without a hitch. I used Nero 7 to burn them.... so I presume it is something to do with it burning them as a DVD-MP3.... Now is their anyway I can read these with a PC? i.e. some recovery software or..... well I dont know what else.
Let me guess. You used InCD to transfer the data to disc. NEVER EVER USE any packet writing software for anything but immediate transfer of data from one PC to another. To use it for permanent backup of important data is like playing Russian Roulette. If you are a N ero user, use N ero Express. If you are a Roxio user, use Creator Classic. If you did not use packet writing software to burn the DVD's, then there are other reasons which may apply. Aside: Space left in N ero purposely to prevent URL from showing up. Just my protest against AD for their unwarranted favoritism of one burning software over another.
Well I didnt use the inCD.... however I have been able to get 95% of the data using ISO Buster. I think I have killed my burner..... I used alot in the past 4 months (1000+ times).