DVD Burning from FILE problems

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by funkthat, Jul 14, 2006.

  1. funkthat

    funkthat Member

    Jul 14, 2006
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    Hey Watup everybody?!?

    I have used dvdsanta and winavi converter to convert the file types into dvd format. The conversions have all been successful and is not the problem I am encountering. The problem is after the files have been converted and burnt successfully, when i try to play the dvd, the dvd player/computer doesnt read it as a dvd. Can anyone tell me what the problem might be. I've wasted almost 10 dvd-r's trying different ways. I even tried converting in one prog and burning in another. All have been turned into coasters.

    Thank You in advance
  2. gamename

    gamename Regular member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    heres one for ya...http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/272946... give alkohol a thank-u.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2006
  3. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    it sounds like you have a compatability problem........

    there are plenty of reasons why certain dvds won't play in other players:

    1. burning speeds: burn at 4x so there will be less writing errors (rule of thumb is to burn at half the rated speed of the disk--8X disk burn at 4x).
    2. read manual for your stand alone player and use the disks that will play in your player. If your player is less than 2 yrs old then it should play the + or - R disks! I said SHOULD that's why you read the manual.
    3. try booktyping your drive to DVd-ROM so it will make your +R disks more compatible to players. Read this:
    4. make sure that there are no finger prints or scratches on your disk that make it hard for the player to read the disk!
    5. use good quality media (rule of thumb....buy the ones that are Made in Japan.) Verbatim is a top notch disk and is the only exception to this rule....some Verbatims are made in Taiwan and they are top notch!
    6. and don't burn too close to the outer edge of the disk ..... which will make the disk unreadable! but using good media you will be able to burn close to the edge better than lesser quality media. Just in case I only burn no closer than 4400MB, so if you can set your programs to that, all the better!

    follow these little tips of the trade and you'll have better success! good luck.

    also read this:
    why the +R media is better than the -R media
  4. funkthat

    funkthat Member

    Jul 14, 2006
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    gamename, IHoe and alkohol for your tips and tricks.

    The weird thing is they won't even play on the computer after i burn. But i'll try these other steps out and see if i can get different results.

    Thanks again!!

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