okay here goes. before i went to my brothers house i burned all 26 episodes of samurai champloo on a total of 6 cd-r's. Then i went to his house and used winAvi to decode all those avi files into dvd file format which took a totall of more than 4 hours. once everything was completed i tested out one episode and used dvdshrink and i burned the 1st episode on dvd and it worked like a charm. here is where i need help more than anything else. how is it possible for me to put more than one episode on there because it seriously took the life out of me and my brother started getting real pissed because i ended up using 3 more dvd's where i just burned the episodes on the dvd as a data disk. please help me cuz i would love to watch more than one episode on a dvd. whats the point of having 26 dvd of only one episode on there when i can have atleast 11 per dvd instead. if there is any program out there or anything that will help me do this it would be of great help. did i mention im getting on his nerves so with that said i know someone on these forums will know what to do. THANK YOU SOO MUCH
I don't know how long each espisode is but if they are half hour episodes then put about 6 or so this way: http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/multiple_dvd_to_dvdr_dvd_shrink_page_3.cfm just add your titles to shrink and follow the directions. and if you're still confused follow this: http://www.dvdshrink.info/compilation.php