dvd burning problem...need help

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by militantx, May 20, 2006.

  1. militantx

    militantx Guest

    I'm learning about dvd backups and so forth, anyways I downloaded a movie and I encoded it with winavi (avi to dvd) and the problem is that I cannot view the dvd in a ps2 and my friends dvd player but I can watch the movie in my portable dvd player and it my computers dvd player.

    I would like to know if the cause of the problem is that clone dvd used pal over ntsc or is they're something else I am messing up on.

    I mainly use Nero 7, clone dvd, winavi and nero encode, the movies are in avi format.

  2. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    doesnt winavi set PAL / NTSC ?

    it may be the type of dvdr used the ps2 and player doesnt like it? is it a + or - format dvdr?

    what is the dye info from off the disc?
  3. militantx

    militantx Guest

    Can you explain what the dye is? I'm lost with that one, anyways I bought some dvd-r's from Office depot, they are pretty thin disk and they were cheap (50 for 13.00)

    Do you know what ps2 reads compared to regular dvd players?
  4. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    use either dvdinfopro or dvd identifier or dvd decrypter to read this dye info off the disc

    its probably cheapo discs, which if you ask anyone here will tell you they cause no end of hassle

    get some verbs/TY/ritek
  5. militantx

    militantx Guest

    Hi, where can I buy these better disk? Also I have dvd decypter at home, where exactly do I look on dvd decypter for the dye?

    A quick question that might not better related to this post, I am buying a dvd from ebay, its region 0, does this work in american dvd players.
  6. militantx

    militantx Guest

    I need help please, can someone tell me what dye is and how to check for it?

    thank you.
  7. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Pop a blank in your drive - have DVD Decrypter set to iso mode - read or write. Look for the manufacturer id - here's a pic:

    Post back the manfacturer info. Also what burn speed are you using?
  8. militantx

    militantx Guest

    Physical Format Information (ADIP):
    Disc ID: OPTODISC-OR8-00
    Book Type: DVD+R
    Part Version: 1
    Disc Size: 120mm
    Maximum Read Rate: Not Specified
    Number of Layers: 1
    Track Path: Parallel Track Path (PTP)
    Linear Density: 0.267 um/bit
    Track Density: 0.74 um/track
    First Physical Sector of Data Area: 196,608
    Last Physical Sector of Data Area: 2,491,711
    Last Physical Sector in Layer 0: 0

    I burn usually at 8x....
  9. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    As Rotary said it's probably cheapo discs - optodisc would fall in that category.
    So try the suggestion media. Besy Buy has a sale this week on Verbatim - 50 for 14.99. For Taiyo Yuden & Ritek (verbatim also) you can buy online from here:
    On those optodisc take the burn speed down a notch and see if that helps.
    My ps2 plays the +r format (not sure if all do) so does your friends dvd player support the +r format. Could be another reason.

  10. militantx

    militantx Guest

  11. militantx

    militantx Guest

    h ttp://supermediastore.com/taiyo-yuden-silver-inkjet -printable-8x-dv d-r-media-050-pack.htm
  12. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    nice one binkie7...

    yeah optodisc is a sad disc...

    your link http://supermediastore.com/supermed...inkjet-printable-8x-dvd-r-media-050-pack.html

    they are good see the TY codeing... Media ID: TYG02, site that show code dye info are good, so you can see what your buying... (im a Ritek GO5 man at present = cheaper)

    those should sort you out and also try burning at 4x speed to start with go a little faster later, when alls well...


    now on a different note if your drive can booktype you can buy +R and booktype your burning to DVDROM which is for better compatibility, but 95% off good discs -R will run on a ps2 (they picky suckers)

    this said dvd decrypter can booktype but need to know your drive! you may get those +R optodisc booktyped to dvdrom and they will play (BURN SLOW!!!!! @ 4x - may even need 2x on optodiscs???)

    sorry for not going into too much detail as i always try to see the knowledge of the person here first before we all bombard with too much info... trying to guide you step by step...

    Last edited: May 21, 2006
  13. militantx

    militantx Guest

    My drive is a NEC DVD_RW ND 3520aw....

    I'll get those disks this week and throw out the cheap ones......
  14. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    now on a different note if your drive can booktype you can buy +R and booktype your burning to DVDROM which is for better compatibility, but 95% off good discs -R will run on a ps2 (they picky suckers)

    this said dvd decrypter can booktype but need to know your drive! you may get those +R optodisc booktyped to dvdrom and they will play (BURN SLOW!!!!! @ 4x - may even need 2x on optodiscs???)


    dont chuck um yet as i think imgburn or dvd decrypter will booktype a NEC!?!


    then go here

    Last edited: May 21, 2006
  15. militantx

    militantx Guest

    Ummm....this is great, I did what you asked but one question....

    I never use dvd decypter.....

    Will the setting remain for other programs like Winavi or Clonedvd?

  16. militantx

    militantx Guest


    That sucks, lol

    be back in the morning, it's 3 am here, thanks for everything.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2006
  17. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    imgburn is free!!! i use it awesome app, you just need to to output as iso or make an iso from dvd files, if not sure tell me what apps you use and i will guide you!

    so to get +R as dvdrom for more compatibility in players...
  18. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    what app failed? night night laters.......

    Last edited: May 21, 2006
  19. militantx

    militantx Guest

    downloading imgburn right now, as for apps...

    I use nero 7, clone dvd, winavi, dvddecypter....

    dvd decypter failed trying to convert the disk over to dvd-rom/...... as I followed your guidelines.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2006
  20. militantx

    militantx Guest


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