what is the best way/best combo to go about burning dvd's (burn pragrams and rippers,decrypters, whatnot) FREE programs that is, for windows ME.
Hi there, Windows ME ? Use FDISK, format your drive and install Windows XP ! Ok, let's get serious DVD Decrypter is free, but has not been updated in a long time. 75% of the movie might still be rippable with DVD Decrypter. DVDFab Decrypter, I think is also free, and updated all the time. I never used it nor seen it, but I have heard good about it. Then use DVDShrink to compress and make an .ISO Then burn with IMGBurn. Windows ME, that uses FAT32 only right ? DVDShrink will create you slip files I guess, not sure how to burn those, I guess IMGBurn should handle them ! My 2 cents...
Byer be ware there are many programs on the net that clame to be the best copy programs. There are very few that work and the onen's that work are very slow. 1Click copy pro is one of those programs. Don't spend you money on this program. It does not comply with the trash that it states in it's articles. Stay with DVDfab Decrypter, DVD Decrypter, DVD Shrink, and Nero. Nero is the only one that will cost you money and is well worth the bucks.
Hi! I will tell you what I use and it has not failed yet. To decrypt use DVDFabDecrypter to decrypt and burn to your hard drive, DVDShrink to compress to DVD5 and Nero to burn to DVD. Except for Nero all are free and DVDFabDedcrypter is updated to decrypt latest encrptions, DVDDecrypter dosen't update any longer. Nero will work with Shrink and automatically start so it's really easy. DVDFab and DVDShrink are in my signature so you can download them there. If for some reason you have Roxio it doesn't work well with Nero so get rid of it. Good Luck and Happy Burning
well, boys and girls, there's a new program in town making big noise! it's called RipIt4Me...... it's [bold]Frreeeeeeeeeeeee![/bold]And it incorporates DVDDecrypter, FixVTS, and Shrink and it does a great job! All freeeeeeee! Read this, it's all you'll ever need: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/360110, Arniebear did a great job on this. Download all the free programs then follow the instructions... This will make DVDDecrypter rip the new movies! I love DVDDecrypter, and now it's king of the rippers again!