Here's the problem - I'm using copy software DVD Cloner 2 and I can copy a film to my hard drive but after I burn it from there to a blank disk I get the following message saying - "The disk might be corrupted or using a format not compatible with windows." I've tried to locate the problem myself because Cloner 2 tech supports sucks. I've uninstalled/reinstalled Cloner 2,tried different brands of blank disks and I even got so ticked off that I ran a full system recover and reinstalled all my software and ended up with the same problem after I burned a movie to a disk.Could it be that maybe I need a new burner I'm using a external Pacific Digital (Toshiba ODD-DVD SD-R5272)which I can can burn dvd files and watch movies with. Originally everything work fine, a friend let me borrow Cloner 3 and I it did the same as Cloner 2. Has anyone out there had similar problems like this in which they were able to solve.
You bought a lame program.Sorry but thats the facts. You might just download for free shrinkdvd and imgburn (also free).Shrink can do everything that cloner can and imgburn will be able to assist you with the burning process.As for cloner 2 & 3, not even worth bothering about as the other 2 programs are tried and true but the main ingredient is they work
Any chance you can put a stop payment on your purchase? Media is often the problem with burns. Read my sig on that. If you can play the movie off your hard drive with PowerDVD or some other software, the movie is probably fine, but the cause of burning and playback problems is the media you use, about 90% of the time, outdated firmware, or lousy burning software the other 10%.
Well I broke down and purchased a new dvd burner and now I'm able to burn again. I also tried a trial version of Anydvd/clone DVD and I must say that the software is truly awesome compared to DVD Cloner 2 & 3.
Well, congrats on your new purchases. Your old DVD writer can still be a source drive so you don't have to swap discs when burning. Good luck and happy burning!