I was wondering what programs people are using to help catalog their movie/dvd collection. I have well over 1000 movies and it gets rather tedious to flip through all the books of dvds. I have made an Excel spreadsheet in the past, but it is a pain to update, and doesn't give me any movie information. There are lots of programs out there, but I was looking for some advice/comments on what other programs people like and use. This way I don't waste money on something inferior.
Check these out: http://sourceforge.net/projects/movietheque/ http://sourceforge.net/projects/mymdb/ http://sourceforge.net/projects/mediacatalog/ http://sourceforge.net/projects/medialibrary/ http://sourceforge.net/projects/coverjuke/ There are 38 pages of apps here that are related to DVD+Media+Library+Catalog (my search terms). Feel free to browse them all, I did about 8 or so and picked those as they were the best so far. Sourceforge.net is a great site to find a program you need, especially when the price must be $0
YES! Use that program. It is a lot more polished/refined then the programs I linked to. @ChrisC586 - I had been looking for that program but gave up because I kept going to http://www.collectorz.com !!
I use dvd profiler for my collection. It updates quite regularly, and you can have your movies listed by different genres. http://www.invelos.com/