Hi.I have been trying to copy a back up dvd to another dvd disk using nero and roxio without any luck.At some point during the process a reading error is indicated and the burn fails.Can anyone help.
You could try DVD Decrypter in ISO Read then ISO Write mode But if read errors are that great , then you might want to rip it afresh from the original DVD.
ok i have gotten dicripter to download a iso file to my hard drive... and then i switch to iso write to dvd -r disk... it looks like its burrning it take 30 min to do it but i reload the disk and it says there is nothing on the disk....and i still have the iso file on my hard drive... anotherr thing is i dont see a .dvd file just a .iso file how do i switch it to dvd file? thanks for any help Trentz
You will end up with 2 files , point DVD Decrypter at the largest file [think the small file has .mdf extension or something , it is of no use]