What is the best program to copy dvds? please give me a big choice I have alredy tryed with al ot of them. I have a dell insporon 6000 that is running on windows XP thanks for any help you can give me.
@iggi634 Welcome to aD! The best & easiest combo imo is AnyDVD and CloneDVD. Not free -but 21 free trial. Next would be dvdfab decrypter/vobblanker/dvdshrink/dvd decrypter method. All free. Both methods above will handle anything out there right now. Which ones have you tried?
I have been using one step programs like, dvdxcopy platnium. Even when I got it it took over an hour for both proceces, And then it wont evan do all movies. It does not matter to me if I use two programs. Afterdawn software comparison told me one of the best programs is 1clickdvdcopy. so what do you think is the fastest and easiest program, or program combinations? Thanks Agin
The fastest and easiest is the anydvd & clonedvd combo. AnyDVD is just a driver that runs in the background removing the copy protection. CloneDVD actually encodes/compresses and burns. http://slysoft.com Here's a guide: http://home.comcast.net/~bbmayo/1FOR1 BACKUP CLONEDVD&ANYDVD.pdf The other method I mentioned is good also - just a few more steps involed but is free. Here's a guide w/ links to download: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/334154 Xcopy can no longer handle the newer copy protection so that's probably why it doesn't work on some movies. Now for 1Click I'm no fan - I haven't used it in over a year. There are some movies that it can't handle either w/o AnyDVD running in the background. For total time to backup - that will depend on your pc specs. Make sure your not multi tasking and shut down any unnecessary programs to help.