I have a decrypted DVD file in hard drive storage that I am now trying to put on to a blank dvd (please note, if relevant, that I've downloaded AnyDVD and CloneDVD but not sure how to use them). My thanks in advance for help walking me through this . . .
Ok good work so far and well done on getting AnyDVD and CloneDVD. Here are guides to help you complete the process. CloneDVD 2 http://www.dvd-guides.com/content/view/15/59/ DVD Shrink http://www.doom9.org/index.html?/mpg/dvdshrink31-main.htm I hope that helps keep me posted on how you go....
Thanks for this, I've printed off the two guides. I did a run through accepting all default settings and it worked fine. I'll let you know if any finer questions arise when and if I need to try any configuration or settings options and/or when and if I need to use DVD Shrink.
I used default speed which I guess is not maximum and I didn't use goof media because I don't know of it . . . what is it?
Ok here is good media and bad media. Good Media 1. Ritek 2. Verbatim 3. Taiyo Yuden Bad Media 1. CMag Media. To find out the true manafacturer of the Blank DVD you are using run it through DVD Identifier. DVD Identifier http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_tools/dvd_identifier.cfm Good Luck.
just my 2 cents on quality media.. (goof media -----> I presume you mean [bold]good[/bold] LOL) @borhan9....I would list your media from best quality=1 to lower quality=higher #s soooooo your listing of Ritek as #1 is not correct. According to this media guide: http://www.digitalfaq.com/media/dvdmedia.htm and: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/155431 Ritek is second rate (which is not to say that it's not good)at best and to put it above Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden media is absolutly not right. So I would put your small list with Ritek as #3 not #1. If it works that good for you..... then Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden should work even better. I won't go into the arguement of which is better: Verbatim vs Taiyo Yuden but all I can say is, I only use Taiyo Yuden and I get almost 100% quality burns with them: this one is 99.80% quality burn. most of mine are this high.
Mate the numbers I put in the list was not an order of best to worst i was just listing the media nothing else also to add stay away from Memorex Media also.
I have had to do this as well, i had to decrypt the dvd to my hard drive then i used some trial version DVD burner software that i found at download.com then i put all the DVD decrypted files in a file called VIDEO_TS then i just would select to make a data disc then i would pick that file and burn it to a black DVD and it works fine.
Hi Borhan 9, I'd already purchased my blank DVD+R's before you made me aware of the Media Identifier. Turns out I acquired C-mag Media which you have singled out as bad media. 2 questions for you . . . 1) Now that I have achieved functioning copies on C-mag Media, is there any point in getting good media and re-doing the copies? (I will acquire good media such as Taiyo Yuden for use in the future but I'm hoping not to have to bother redoing what I've already done on the C-mag Media I'd already bought - unless you recommend it as absolutely necessary for some reason . . .) 2) I guess I'm wondering then just what is it that makes bad media bad or what is the 'price one can pay' for using bad media? (I ask this question particularly because my C-mag Media results seem to have come off fine . . .) Thanks in advance for this . . .
To answer your first question is that if it works great and thats good. The downside is that even though you have copied it the ability for it to have durability in constant watching is an issue. There is no need to re copy the movies but it will be eventually not watchable. Also it can effect your buner of readers laser becuae of the poor manfacturer make. Also sometimes it gives you a successful burn and sometimes you just make a bunch of coasters. So for consistamcy I would change my media for future backups. Good Luck mate
My two cents worth on reburning CMC Mag media, Yes, they seem to last about a year or so, then begin to pixalate to the point where they are not watchable nor are they reburnable. I would use the CMC disks for "Loaners" to friends or for movies you know get destroyed, E.G. kids in a minivan, but the good stuff, reburn them. I was in the same boat yo were three years ago and I have gotten rid of all of my CMC mags except for a few I kept as proof of how bad they deteriorate.
Thanks borhan 9 and blivetNC, IHoe, holy666 . . . Three New Questions Please and Thank you: 1) borhan 9, you mentioned a bit back to lay off max speed. Which is 'max speed'? 2) Are 'Taiyo Yuden', 'Verbatim' and 'Ritek' brand names? (I don't recall seeing them at the store where I bought what turned out to be the C-mag Media disks). 3) I ran an old effort through the DVD Identifier, turns out it's on Ricoh. What's your opinion of Ricoh as a good or bad media?
Ok max speed is when u burn the DVD at the highest speed the disc has possible. My suggestion is to go no higher or lower that 4x speed. To me thats a standard and safe speed. Well these are manafacturer and are not necssarily advertised in big print soo when u pick up a spindle look around the covering and try and read the small print it would be on the packaging. I have bot come across this brand in DVD media soo I dont know how reliable they are I know they are good CD-RW Media but thats as far as my knowlegde on that media goes. I hope I answered your questions adequetly.
I've been reading this discussion. Can anyone tell me how to slow down the spead of my DVD drive. When I use DVD Shrink it says "auto". When I use my oled 4x drive I have no problems. With my newer 16x drive I get errors.
You do not have to slow down DVD Shrink it burning media doing the last stage of the back up you have to slow down. Like Nero or CloneDVD.