DVD Decrypter burning blanks

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by mummybear, Jul 27, 2004.

  1. mummybear

    mummybear Guest

    I have no idea what i have done wrong. Have been using DVD decrypter for months without a problem then today every disc that was burnt even though it said it was writing came out blank. I thought possibly okay maybe my version is out of date, so i updated to the latest version, still burn blank discs. Any ideas would be most welcome.I know the media and the burner are fine as everything burns through Nero first time without a problem if i use shrink.
  2. pa104inf

    pa104inf Regular member

    Jan 23, 2004
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    Same media? The media itself may be bad. Go out and buy VERBATIM. As far as I am concerned they are the most reliable blanks available. Buy a small set just to make sure your burner is ok.
  3. brian100

    brian100 Guest

    It's only a suggestion , but have you ticked the box that say's "Test Mode" rather than "Burn proof" when you try to burn a disk.
  4. mummybear

    mummybear Guest

    okay, next test i tried was the image i made with decrypter that i burnt twice on the same disc that came out blank i tried burning with nero snd it workd perfectly. So i know it is not the media nor the burner as they are both working fine, just every time i burn with decrypter it says it is writing but the disc still blank. I will try ticking the test ode and see if that works, but when burning it seems to be writing and always says operation completed successully but the disc remains blank, maybe i may have to use Nero in future to burn the iso image???
  5. brian100

    brian100 Guest

    Try ticking the box in decrypter. You can also tick the box "verify" aswell. This will check the disk, if burnt, for read errors.

    I hope you sort this problem out.
  6. mummybear

    mummybear Guest

    will try giving it a go and see what happens, but no read errors were detected when writing it wrote beautifully, just came out blank. AT least for the time being they are working through Nero so i have some sort of back up for now. AM going to try reading a fresh copy through decrypter and burning and see what happens, thought maybe files could have been corrupt but strange that it still burns using Nero, just the burn function in decrypter is playing up

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