I used dvd decrypter and dvd shrink to backup my movies. I used hp dvd+r dl, and it played they played great on my Panasonic dvd/vcr combo, and my RCA dvd/vcr combo. But after that, my backups would not play right. On the Panasonic, they started frame jumping then I got an error message to check the disk and for stains and scratches, and on the RCA, they start freezing up and jumping several minutes into the movie at a time...Could someone tell me what's going on? I have tried Imation, Verbatim dl, and Hp dl, all dvd+r. HELP! I would like to know why I can't backup my movies and get more than one or two plays before they become coasters...
Well, I'm going to say that the problem is the discs you're using...also what burn speed are you using; First of all, Hp and Imation are horrible discs to be using; you want to be using something more like Verbatim 16x certified and DEFINITELY the Sony DVD+R 8x MIJ. Personally, the Sony MIJ are the best discs I've ever burned with, (i've never ordered any true TY's but that'll happen in the future)as for discs though, they're the only two that I use, and their the only dependable/quality discs you can get where I live. But OTOH, those Imation and those HPs aren't going to hold up; I can guarantee that the Imations are made by CMC Mag (world's crappiest discs) and I'm not sure about the Hps, but I'm gonna guess they're right around that same quality level. For burn speeds; that can also affect you burning coasters. Normally I burn at 8x; although many people here at AD prefer 4x. For me though, 8x has worked just fine, and I've only had one coaster, which was from user error anyway... P.S. why are you using DVD shrink if you're using DL discs anyway?? Since you're burning w/DLs, why don't you just use DVD Decrypter and go ISO read then write???
Well, I just started this, and did not know any better. I will try using only the decrypter with the DLs. I will try the Sony. But is this a pattern with disk that are no good? To play good 1 or 2 times then fall apart?
oh, I was burning at the rated speed of 8x when all this started with the Imations, then I went to 2.4x which gave me the same problem. Then I tried the Verbatim dl, and it gave me the same problem, then the hp dls which messed up as well after the second time playing. But I started burning them at 2.4x which is the dl rated speed.