hey i downloaded tht DVD decrypter and so im not sure what to do....so i jsut decrpt any game and burn it on to a disc..
Well, since your PC cd/dvd drives cannot read Xbox games, that defeats the idea of decrypting the Xbox game. You have to either send the Xbox game folder from your Xbox to PC or DL it from the net in order to get the Xbox game on your computer. And then after you get the Xbox ISO, just go to "Mode" "ISO" "Write" and you will be set to burn the ISO to your DVD media. I'm sure you need more help with this, so I will start off slow. Do you have your Xbox softmodded or have a mod chip installed?
Hi I have just a quick question. Do I have to have a modded xbox to play burnt games ? Is It possible to download games and then burn them to discs and play them that way ? thanks for any help in advance.
Yes, you need to either soft "mod" your box or physically "mod" your box with a mod chip. It is possible to DL games to your HD, but like I said above you need to have modded your box in some way or form. Check out this page, http://webpages.charter.net/modchipzone/ to learn more about Xbox modding. Also, you should read up on there about how to soft mod!
hey i have another quick question by what would u mean by Soft Mod ur XBOX..?? inorder to play burned games...?
I also have a quick question. Did you search for your answer in this forum before you asked your question?
===Softmodding is a technique that will allow you to play backup games without the use of a modchip=== http://webpages.charter.net/modchipzone/softmodxbox.htm
hey Pimp Dawg well i have an Xbox and its a 1.2 Version...do u have any recommended chips for Softmodding...?? Thanx anyways...
Stev066, you do not need a chip if you are going to softmod your system. If I were you, I would get your Xbox modded professionally from this site, http://webpages.charter.net/modchipzone/index.htm He installs the Xecuter 3 mod chip and loads on some neat stuff onto your hard drive for only $100 total. He modded a few of my friends Xbox's and did an awesome job!