Used Decrypter to rip and burn DVD for backup. Backup copy has playback issues. Video breaks up as it plays. What causes that?
So how do you control where you burn and make sure it isn't close to the edge? I don't have any compression. I changed to Sony media and used 4X for speed, still have choppy playback same as before. Didn't make a difference.
Did you check and make sure your fw is up to date? Go to the Tools tab in Decrypter then Drive and Capabities. Look for you current fw then hit Check for fw update in the Tools tab. Or go here and see what the current is and if your is correct.
Yup, upgraded firmware before I did any burning. I'm giving up with Decrypter, Media, DVD Player being compatible. I'm gonna give another burning software a try and see if that works as last ditch effort. Thanks.