I'm a newbie to DVD backup. I want to get a program for doing this, but I'm a little confused, I've heard a lot of good things about DVD Decrypter, however, with further research I've found that DVDFAB Platinum is even better... Anyone with insight, PLEASE HELP!!! I just don't want to spend a ton of money just to find out that it's nont the same thing!!! THANK YOU FOR ANY HELP!!!
Both free versions of these programs will work well, DVD Fab Decrypter is updated to handle the newer DVDs while DVD Decrypter, though still usefull, is no longer updated. I have no experence with the retail version,DVDFAB Platinum.
well Crystal that would have many different opions.. they all work...to a point.... my self, i use AnyDvD,DvDShrink(movie only),DvDDecypter to burn in that order.. i also use AnyDvD,CloneDvD2 aswell.............. i see it this way AnyDvD$39.00 +DvDShrink $free +DvDDecypter$free =$39.00 what a deal...................... others will tell you different,i think this is about the easiest combonation out there.................. gday................. hope to help..................
SO, have you had any problems with the free software??? I am bit leary of free software... I've had problems in the past with pop-ups, spyware, etc.... This is why I was thinking of DVDFAB Platinum, but I'd love to get the free software!! THanks for the info on this!!
Also, with that order of programs your using.. you're able to copy and rip DVD's with copyright protection!? Just wanted to make sure! THANKS!!!
Yes! But, make sure you own them. If you don't, the Feds will knock down your door and hold your wife and kids at ransom!
If you are interested in depenability, quality and speed, I recommend AnyDVD and CloneDVD2 (SlySoft.com), the only software I currently use for backups.
well for me DvDShrink and DvDDecypter still do a great job with AnyDvD running in the background................. only been let down once or twice with them................. to me like i said....the AnyDvD,DvDShrink,DvDDecypter combo is the best out there, even having them all................ gday............. gluck............. happy backup..........
well here is a great new free program that incorperates DVDDecrypter/FixVTS/Shrink..... it's wonderful and it is free and it is updated to fix any new encryptions and it works great. Here is a guide by my good buddy, Arniebear: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/360110, I love it because DVDDecrypter (even though it doesn't get updated anymore) is still the king of the rippers with this new program..... and DVDDecrypter does soooooo much more than just rip DVDs to the hard drive. It also can booktype your drive to DVD-ROM and make your DVDs more compatible to players, it can also give you all the information about your drive and even check to see if your drive needs a firmware update. It can rip to hard drive in ISO and even burn to disk using that ISO. not just your ordinary ripper.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR HELP!!!!! I'm so excited! I just backed up my first DVD!!! I love the programs you recommended me, Any DVD, DVD Shrink, DVD Decrypter, and Clone DVD2!!!!!!!!! Dvd Decrypter didn't work so well on my first one but Clone DVD2 gave me NO PROBLEMS!! Thanks again! You're awesome!
@latsyrc.......... yes, your welcome this is the place to be,many good people here just my opinion, but it has always for ME been(to back up the movie only) myself i don't care for all the junk they put on the disks these days.........plus i think it's all easier that way aswell.. (anydvd,dvdshrink(movie only),dvddecypter/dvdclone2 to burn... gday hapy burning
hey crystal, after or before the trail for anyDVD runs out and u don't want to pay for it here is the Totally freeeeee way of backing up movies, this combo has worked perfect for every movie. 1.DvdFab decrypter(Free) http://www.dvdidle.com/free.htm 2.VobBlanker(Free) http://jsoto.posunplugged.com/vobblanker.htm 3.Dvd shrink(Free) 4.ImgBurn or dvd decrypter(Free) or nero if u have it if u have any problems follow this guide here is a guide for this combo http://www.dvdidle.com/free.htm as alkohol would say easy as sippin on a corona