hi i have a question im using the newest version of anyDVD i want to know if its compatible with dvd decrypter while is still working on the background ? i mean if i use any dvd on the background any dvd is gonna do one thing and dvd decrypter another thing ? so will it be better if i use them like that...i always use any dvd on the background then dvd decrypter in file mode and then i burned the movie with dvd shrink and i never had a problem ? but im just curious to know if any dvd is really working on the background cause dvd decrypter can do what any dvd can do right ? or should i use dvd decrypter and dvd shrink only ? whats the difference if i add any dvd to that combo ? well guys thanks for your help ....
Ive always used DVDD and shrink but am new to ANYDVD. I read a post somewhere about potential conflicts with DVDD and ANYDVD. To avoid these you could disable anydvd but it is often updated to reflect new protections where as DVDD will come unstuck from time to time with new protections in place. I believe to have both running you should change DVDD's settings to have the "elbyxxx" I/O mode enabled instead of ASPI and uncheck the "remove CSS protection" option. This will let ANYDVD do the work it should in the background.
this is not a 100% fix.......... To use DVD Decrypter in conjunction with AnyDVD as stated by Olli -> Proceed to the DVD Decrypter Opening Page - Tools - Settings I/O Tab - Click on "Elby CDIO-Elaborate Bytes" General Tab - un-check "Check For Structure Protection"
I Have NEVER had a problem with AnyDVD and Decrypter. Only problem I ever have is Shrink not working, so I use VobBlanker ,replace the New Blanker files with the origional ones and shrink works 100% of the time that way. The only movie to date I have ever had a problem was Madagascar, however I found a guide here for that so it was backed up aswell AnyDvd is a GREAT program, I have tried to Decrypt movies without it (Like Madagascar, Rv and a few others) And it failed, so I started up AnyDvd again and then I had NO problems. I Hope this helps M8, Good Luck