Hi all, I burned my dvd movies using shrink and than Nero or Roxio, it says "DVD burned successfully" and the dvd shows data burned on them, BUT they dont play back on ANY DVD player or PC dvd player in the WHOLE hosue or any body else hosue. PLEASE HELP.
First off, Nero and Roxio conflict. Chose one or the other and stick with it. Be sure to use the clean tool for the one you remove. Other problems could be media, burn speed and other things. We need more details in order to help better.
Hey Dolphin2, thanks for your help. OK, i sahll delete from CleanTools?? What is that software and where do i get it from??? I burn using Verbatim +R, 16X speed. Burn speed is at 16X. Other info, please let me know! SORRY about the late resonpse.
Have you tried -R? I don't use +R mostly because I have no clue about what the difference is, but I do know that most people burn movies with -R.
@amf0802 I don't know where you got your information from but it's not true. @dakrish First off, your burning way to fast. Recommended is 1/2 the rated speed of the disc. You need to chose which program you want to keep, Nero or Roxio. They each have their own seperated clean tools. I would recommend keeping Nero and getting rid of Roxio.
Hello, First off, you need to take your burn speed down to 4x or lower. The faster you burn, the more possiblites for errors. Next, what brand and model is your burner? If you have one that offers booktyping, the +R's are good, you can "make" them DVD-ROM's (great compatability). We can get into that later if needed. The Verb's should be good media. Finally, did this happen all of a sudden? Were you able to back-up, then it stopped? Or is this your first time trying? Also, it would help if we knew the brands of the players you were trying. Good luck!
Hey there folks, thanks for the response amf0802, dolphin2, and vwsport80 (that means you got a Vdub, i have a VR6, super charged, no not a boy racer anymore, daddy of one and married I have just discovered the piece of shit burner i have is not working well at all. I have a shitty I/O magic, DON'T ever nuy I/O magic. Its my second one this has happened. This prob has been going on since day one. My brother has the same comp, same software, same, and his works fine. Plays ANYWHERE! So, now the question, of which burner i buy. NOT I/O suck ass magic. And i shall delete Roxio and just use Nero 6. THANKS again.
Reguarding burn speeds. There are a number of factors that come into play as to what speed to burn at. 1)The quality of the discs. The better the dye, the faster the disc can be burned. IF all other conditions are met. 2)The firmware of the burner, it's rated speed and condition. This [bold]must[/bold] be kept up-to-date. 3)The specs of the computer. More memory is better and defragmenting must be done often. Additionally, The drives must be kept in DMA mode. 4X discs are slowly being phased out, as well as 8X ones. Soon the only discs you will be able to get (locally) will be 16X rated. I used to burn only at 4X. However, the newer batch of discs I've been getting show a poorer quality scan burned at that speed then at a faster speed. This is what works for me. Everyone's system is different and kept at different standards (see above). The best thing to do is burn the same thing, on the same discs, at different speeds and see which speed gives your system the best results.
THNAKS dolphin2, that was a great response. What do you think is a good site to keep my firmware updated? DMA mode? It usally says for my comp, "DMA when avaiable"?
Delete Roxio in the normal way (Control Panel). Then get and run the clean tool which removes all the junk left behind. http://www.softpedia.com/get/Tweak/Uninstallers/Roxio-Zap.shtml ========= As for a new burner, I would highly recommend a BenQ DW1650. They are under $40 (including shipping) from Newegg. A very highly recommended parts supplier here at aD. http://www.newegg.com/ The DW1650 comes in black and biege to match your case, and there is $1 difference in price.
THANKS again dolphin2, in regards to DMA? I have Clean Sweep software , i am that we get rid of all Roxio junk? sorry about the caps, i did not know!
The main site for firmware is here: http://www.firmware.fr.st/ --------- DMA when avaiable is the desired setting. Upon errors (6 actually), DMA slips back into PIO mode. This will slow burning down to a max of 2.4X. It's a good idea to check it once in awhile. --------------- Delete Roxio then run the clean tool I gave you the link for. It will take care of the problems. I don't know if Clean Sweep will get them all. You could always run it also, wouldn't hurt. ----------- Thanks for the kind words about my burn speed post.
Thanks again, i shall comply and keep you posted on the results. I called up I/O magic, and they felted sorry for me, and sent me a new dvd burner for free as a replacement, and gave me my money back. yeah i know, wow. What do i have to loose now. I will try the new I/O magic, if does the same crap again, i will buy the BenQ. Thanks.
Hey buddy, I got the new DVD burner, everthing works wonders now. Thanks for the help. It was a hardware prob! One question, i have dual drive's, one reads the DVD and the other burn's. I used Shrink on the DVD rom, and Blank Verb's, 16X speed, +R on the burner. Once Shrink finished it automatically started to burn, via Nero express 6, without asking me what burn speed, so it burned at 16X. I tried to find in settings to slow burn speed but no luck, can you put some light on this?! Thanks.
When you press the Backup button, before Shrink starts to compress the files. On the window that comes up, the last tab on the right, should allow you to change the burn speed.