Hello all, I'm currently trying to backup a dvd that is double sided but want to eliminate the need for two disks. Does anybody know how to copy a double sided dvd to a dual layer dvd, if it's even possible? Any input would be greatly appreciated! p.s. I'm currently using dvd decrypter, dvd2one, nero, and dvd 43 in various combinations. Thanks again!
I have a dual layer writer and the disks. I know how to use that and how to copy most dvds. The double sided is the only dvd that I don't know how to copy onto a single disk with the menus and extras. Does anyone have any ideas?
if you want it with the menus and such then I think u need the file that has the data on it, so if u don't still have it then you should be able to just save the files on the dvd onto your computer and then just piece it together
I have no idea what you're talking about. I have the original dvd so i still have access to all the files on it.
Alright, but the original is double sided and the file names are the same on both sides. Let me try to explain this a little better. I'm trying to copy Goodfellas which has the menu and first half on side A and the second half on side B. The files on side A and B have the same file names (i.e. VTS_01_0.VOB). I'm not sure if it would work if I simply renamed the file names from side B to continue in sequence with side A.