dvd drive wont read any discs. softmod new hdd on pc? (see end)

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by glowbox, Aug 25, 2007.

  1. glowbox

    glowbox Member

    Aug 25, 2007
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    if this is the wrong forum, just fumigate me. it happened to me once already. basically, my dvd drive went dead and i am trying to put a single game, 3.96 gigs, on my hddd to play it from there. for somereason there isnot enough space. i remved all of what i know isnt essential, but there has to be something more that is taking up space jsut not showing in the ftp panel. if anyoen knows how ti can get things bck to scratch with a wide open hdd that will allow atleast ONE backup on the hard drive please let me know. keep in mind that i cant reinstal the softmod without the dvd drive, as far as i know. if i can, please fill me in. any qustions... thank you.
  2. yimmmy

    yimmmy Regular member

    Feb 2, 2007
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    it depends on what v. ur xbox is if its newer u shouldnt have had a drive problem but if u have an extra pc dvd drive u could put it in there or just buy a new one on the internet for cheap but if theres not enough space on that drive u could cut down the iso buy deleting the multiplayer on the disk or the campagin just to the size that fits your hdd
  3. glowbox

    glowbox Member

    Aug 25, 2007
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    well see, cutting down on files is where the problem begins and ends. i dont wish to remove any (more) files since i have yet to complete the single player mode and i love playing the multiplayer mode. i just dont understand what is taking up all of the free space on the xbox. a while back i switched from i think ltools to ndure and now i have a 500mb shadowc. does that sound right? i believe the shadow c is a 'shadow' of the c drive incase something goes terribly wrong, but can i just get rid of it or is there a way to go thru and delete every single file that is not needed on the xbox? this game has run off the HD before but i just have to find out what is taking up all my space. if a 3.95 gig game cant fit on an xbox hdd with nothing on it but the softmod then there HAS to be a problem somewhere.... i just need a little kick in the arse as to which way t look for it.

    oh Nd another thing, i did try removing the multipplayer folder (i guess MP it was called) and the game loaded and played but i couldnt move. then i removed shadowc and put the whole game on there and it loaded and i still couldnt move. i even went as far as deleting all of the the gamesaves :( it didnt help obviously. and on another note, you cant just put any old dvd drive in there can you?
  4. glowbox

    glowbox Member

    Aug 25, 2007
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    sry, too late to edit... one more thing.

    i want to make a quick backup before things get get worse. if i start poking around and mess something up,


    this guy says:
    "To access your real C drive for backup purposes you'll have to run the exploited gamesave.
    When you're in the Krayzie installer menu, log on to your xbox using FTP from your computer and download everything off the C and E drive.
    The EEPROM is in E:\backup."

    i already have an E:\backup_linux
    and with a closer look i still have an ltools folder with stuff in it.... do i somehow have 2 exploits on here?
  5. yimmmy

    yimmmy Regular member

    Feb 2, 2007
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    oh yea u should have made a back up of your c drive in the first place just make a folder on your pc called xbox backup in your documents
    to get it just ftp into it and just copy the c drive to your pc in that folder

    and what game is it that your trying to put on your hdd?
    try not to double post to often u dont want to get baned
  6. glowbox

    glowbox Member

    Aug 25, 2007
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    yeh i have the backups from the original mod. i found it odd that i had ltools and shadowc. arent they both different softmods? i switched to ndure a while back for who knows why. i guess what i really want to do here is put a fresh install of a softmod on the hd but my dvd drive is borked. i cant use a game to do it. the reason i want to do a fresh mod is because i think there are some invisible files somewhere because this game should fit no problem. the game is COD3 and it playes fine from dvd on other boxes and used to on mine. thanks for the fast reply. it would be sweet to get this done today.
  7. glowbox

    glowbox Member

    Aug 25, 2007
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    problem solved. there was a left behind file from xbmc that was only detected with the unleashX file manager. nothing else found it. not even flash fxp from my pc. well i deleted it and now i can i play my backup. thanks for all the help...
  8. glowbox

    glowbox Member

    Aug 25, 2007
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    strange, i took the game off the hd and put another one on that ended up not working. so i put the first back on and now it wont load again. dumb. im still looking for an answer as to if i have 2 softmods installed at the same time. i used ltools in the beginning and a while back switched to ndure. i still have ltools on my c drive and also have shadow c from ndure i guess. is this causing problems?

    i just took it back off and put xbmc back on and now when i load xbmc i get: XBMC FATAL ERROR: q:\userdata\sources.xml. Line 0
    Error document empty.

    then loads ftp.

    this happened to a friend of mine and it was never figured out. might both of our hds be going bad?
    is there a program that will delete everything from the hd except for the softmod or is that a manual procedure?
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2007
  9. glowbox

    glowbox Member

    Aug 25, 2007
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    i just installed a 160g hdd and the backups work but still no XBMC. same fatal error. evidently there is an empty line 0.

    XBMC FATAL ERROR: q:\userdata\sources.xml. Line 0
    Error document empty.

    i have heard of people having a line 0 problem with guisettings i guess, but not userdata. bad xbmc build?
  10. glowbox

    glowbox Member

    Aug 25, 2007
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    sry no edit button...

    i just tried installing avalaunch and when i rebooted out of unleashx for changes to take effect, i got an error 21. would this happen if all of the dash files werent transfered? whats next? try to load mechassault? oh no... my new drive....
  11. glowbox

    glowbox Member

    Aug 25, 2007
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    fixed it by formatting 'C' with xboxhdm again. thanks.
  12. glowbox

    glowbox Member

    Aug 25, 2007
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    how about this....
    the dvd drive wont read a damn thing now. all i want is my new hard drive softmodded.

    i would like to take the retail c drive from slayers and patch it with Ndure installer 3.1 and use the xboxdhm option and go thru the whole xboxhdm maneuver. if i am correct this will give me a softmodded hard drive without having to use the dvd drive in the xbox and load the gamesave. i can just plug the hard drive into the xbox and turn it on and it will be modded.

    can someone confirm this so i dont brick it?

  13. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    Much easier to just replace the drive!
  14. glowbox

    glowbox Member

    Aug 25, 2007
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    yes, I imagine it is. if i wanted to do that i would have done so long ago. some people have other ideas and different needs and/or wants and not all answers are going to pertain to each individual. if wanted to replace my drive, i would have asked, "where is a good place to by an xbox dvd drive". i dont recall saying anything remotely close to that that would suggest me buying or wanting to buy and replace my dvd drive. what do you learn by taking the easy way out every time? if no input other than, "read my tuts!" or , "its easier to..." can be thought of to relay, then honestly, do not bother. dont waste my time. dont waste yours.

    oh and, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. cptngimpy

    cptngimpy Member

    Sep 19, 2007
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  16. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    Well, before you started mouthing off, did you actually read my tutorials?

    There is a whole section on how to repair your drive?

    If that doesn't get you up and running you need to buy another drive, period!

    I honestly can't believe some of you people sometimes. I spend MY time trying to help others, then I get arrogant newbies like you that just throw my advice back in my face.

    Did you think I just had a spare few days to whip up the tutorials...?


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